Movie gone wrong

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Me-their is no such thing as bad luck
Shaina-yes their is . I have it
Me-yay right(i said sarcastically)
Shaina-I do!
I left the room to see Cameron and Josh fighting
Me-what is the matter
Josh-Babe he is being rude
Me-your acting like kids!
Josh-okay we will stop
I took Josh's hand and left the room
Josh-hey listen I think I am gay...
Josh-just kidding with you hahaha
I punched his arm
Me-go to he**
Me-just kidding
Josh-okay I thought you were breaking up with me
Me-nooo I love you to much
Josh-I love you to
I am the only one without a boyfriend
I walk into the kitchen with Josh and Shaina in looking happy
Me-what's up perky butt
Shaina-what, do I seriously look perky!?
Me-yay, why?
Josh leaves the room and Shaina takes my hand and we fly out of the door
Me-where we going now?
Shaina- I am going to teleport us to the movies and see if you can hook up the movie to play
Me-sounds fun
She teleported us their and I went into the control room while Shaina finds a seat. So I am done hooking up the movie
Shaina-over here(waving)
I go to where she is sitting and the movie is starting
We are watching Scary movie Its not even scary Its actually a comedy
In the middle of the movie it sucked us IN!
Me-what the...!
Me-I know!
Well I've seen this movie before so I know how to watch out for things that are horrible.
Shaina-well does the main character die?
Me-no, so we probably won't
Me-we need to let the movie go through
Shaina-okay, we were half way when we got in this mess
Me-right so we only need to avoid the cereal killer and not to attract attention
Shaina-got it
me-where is my sister?
Klarion-no idea, will you kiss me?
I kiss him and let go
Me- maybe Josh knows
I leave the room and into the kitchen where Josh is
Me-hey Do you know where Nicki and Shaina are?
Josh-I think they went to the movies
So I leave and go to the movies
Then I see Shaina and Nicki in the movie
Me(yelling) Nicki
Nicki-Ally? Will you help us?
Me-of course
I am saying a spell to get them out of their
Then they pop out and I go in
so Ally is great for getting us out of their no it is time to return the favor
I say a spell different then Ally's and she pops out and we all go home
Josh-are you okay?
Cameron-what happened?
Ally-movie trouble(me,Shaina and Ally start laughing)
Klarion-what is so funny?
Ally-tell you later
Klarion, Taylor and Ally left so the four of us watched all 5 scary movies
It was a goodnight.

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