The love story

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so I am the only one how doesn't have a boyfriend. It's not fair. Before everyone died I had a crush on a guy named Cameron. But now Nicki has a boyfriend, I don't get to hang out with her anymore. Now I have to hang out with her AND her boyfriend. I wish I had a boy friend.
so all the girls are going to the Desert while the boys talk back at the manor.
So we finally get there and Shaina finds a bottle and she picks it up then rubs it and a girl , with long dirty blonde hair, blue sparkly eyes.
Girl-I am a Genie
Me-no daa
Shaina-what is your name?
Girl-I am Taylor, master(talking to shaina)
Taylor-hehehe(she said it perky)
Then with that we left and went home. When we got their the boys were fighting.
Josh-you can't do that!
Josh-Because, the piece does not go in that slot(pointing to a board game)
Me-hey, sweetie (talking to Josh)
Ally-come on Klarion
Shaina-come on Genie
Taylor-wait, you need to make your first wish
Shaina-right(she said slowly
Shaina-umm, I wish for Cameron to appear.
Taylor-as you wish(she clapped her hands together)
Then in Cameron appeared
Shaina-hello hot stuff
Cameron-hey babe
The ran off kissing. While Josh and I watched a movie, it was scary so I had to burry my face in his chest a lot.
me-this is great
Cameron-I know
Me-can you stay here?
Cameron-yes of course
Me-are you in love with me
Cameron-yes, are you with me
Me-freak yeah
We continued kissing until we both feel asleep.
I hate the idea that cameron is here. I wish Shaina could have kissed another dude.
Me-Josh, I love You
Josh-I love you Too
Shaina and Cameron walked in lovey dovy style and then the genie poofed in
Taylor-what is you second wish master?
Shaina-ummm I wish for the power of flying
Taylor-as you wish(clapped her hands)
Then shaina grabbed my hand and we flew out the door
Me-why didn't you take Cameron's hand?
Shaina-friends before boyfriends.
Me-watch out for the...
We hit a huge building and all I saw was black
uhh I am awake. But Nicki is lieng on the floor with blood coming out of her ears
Nicki woke up.
Nicki-uhhh what happened?
Me-uhh we crashed
Nicki-can you fly us home
We got home safely.
Josh-what happened!?
Me-uhh we crashed
Josh-is she okay(pointing to Nicki)
Me-yeah she is fine, just resting
so I finally woke up Josh was laying right next to me
Josh-hey sleepy head
Me-hey hun, where in Shaina?
So I walk out of the room and into the kitchen Shaina comes running up hugging me
The genie poofs in
Taylor-what is your third wish?
Shaina-I wish you free and to live with us
Taylor-as you wish(clapping her hands)
Taylor-thank you
Taylor ran off to go see ally and Klarion
Shaina, Cameron, Josh and I all watched a movie
Me and Shaina in the middle and our boyfriends on our sides.
It was a great night after all
No one had to die or leave. I thought it was just the right moment.

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