Troubles part 2

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Ally's P.O.V
Nicki will not wake up but when i did klarion was their which was embarrassing.
Nicki wakes up and is sweating like crazy
Nicki's P.O.V
Me-why is Klarion here?
Ally-i do not know,maybe it has something to do with the dream
Shaina-finally you woke up
Klarion-ally can i talk to you privately please
Klarion's P.O.V
so i asked ally to come because i wanted to ask her out
Me-so i was wondering if you wanted to go out?
Ally-oh uh yes i would love to.
Me- okay when?
Ally-tomorrow night maybe
Ally's P.O.V
well that was sweet and awkward so i better go to sleep
Nicki's P.O.V
Well it's time to go to sleep.I wake to go to the bathroom and i see klarion walking into ally's room .I will just leave that problem alone. AWKWARD.
so klarion walked into my room
Klarion-i am having nightmares can i come sleep here
Nicki's P.O.V
Finally it's morning i am excited ally has a date tonight
Me-hey ally
Shaina-good morning,where's demon kid at
Ally-doing his hair for later at night i already have my dress picked out
Me and shaina-let me guess it's blue
Ally-no black
4 hours later
Ally-okay i am already
Klarion-me to
Me aww you guys look so cute
Shaina-i wanna picture
Me-okay lets go
Ally-you guys aren't coming
Shaina-well who's going to be your waiter
Me-who is going to be your cook
Ally and klarion-fine *sigh*

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