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Everybody has secrets,and I need to know Klarion's because if he is going to date my sister then I need to know them.
Me-hey klarion how you doing?
Me-(thinking)I wanna know all your secrets.
Klarion-well ,are you going to talk?
Me-oh ah just curious
He walks away.
Me-damn it!
Ally walk's in
Ally-what's wrong?
Me-your boyfriend
Ally-what did he do now!?
Me-nothing I just have a problem with him
Ally-why cause he used to be EVIL!?
Ally-it's true!
She leaves, Shaina walk's in
Ally-(talking to shaina)talk some sense into her please
Ally walk's away, Shaina turns to me
Shaina-what was that all about?
Me-I told her that I didn't like Klarion
Shaina-wrong move
Me-I know, but I had to tell her, I needed to tell someone and you where not their
Shaina-sorry I got held up by Teekl
Me-I can't blame you over Teekl.He is adorable.
Shaina-I know right.
I can't believe, my own sister hates my BOYFRIEND what a little di**
I am so mad I can kill someone right now! Klarion walks in
Klarion-hey, you look mad, whats wrong?
Klarion-what the he** did I do!?
Ally-no I don't mean you I mean your in the problem with nicki
Klarion-what does your sister have to do with this?
Ally-she wants to know you like really know you and your secrets
Klarion-I know that, I read her mind
Me-ohh(ally=me right now)
I feel a little bad about this.Now ally wants to kill me along with Klarion because ally probably told Klarion.What should I do?Should I ask shaina for help?God this is so confusing what the he** should I do?

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