Joining a New Order

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Rowan looks around not recognizing any of the Jedi that pass by her. Uneasiness starts to fill her. The force doesn't feel the same to her. It was diluted with something hiding deep within. It was like a scar slowly getting infected. Many Jedi look to see Master Windu carrying the girl. They can sense she was different from other children. They arrive at the council chambers where the rest of the council was waiting for them. Obi-wan dismisses Anakin reassuring him to fill him in later. Windu places her in the middle before joining the rest of the council. Obi-wan and Plo Koon doing the same. "So this is the child," Master Saesee Tin inquires. 

"Yes," Master Windu answers, "she was found in the lower levels.  She presented a strong control of the force." 

"May we have your name child?" Master Ki-Adi Mundi asks her. 

"My name is Rowan Moonshadow," she says nervously. She didn't understand what was going on around her. Where was Master Satele and who were these Jedi. Yoda sensed her emotions, sensed her fear. However, he can also sense her fear was out of caution and confusion. 

"And where are you from, young one?" Master Shaak Ti asks her next. 

"I was raised on Tython," Rowan answers. "I left on the steps of the Jedi Temple when I was a baby." 

"And was this temple on Tython?" 

"Yes, and Master Satele Shan was grandmaster. I can't sense her anymore." The masters look at her confused. Satele Shan was the grandmaster during the Old Republic. Even before Yoda sat upon the council. Rowan looked no older than ten. It doesn't make any sense. 

"And how did you come here?" Master Even Piel takes a chance to ask her. Rowan ponders this for a moment. For some reason her memory of the initial event was starting to become fuzzy. As if someone or something was preventing her from revealing to much. 

"I remember a calling," Rowan starts. "Master Shan told me to listen to it the next time I heard it. So that's what I did the next time. It was the Force but it felt different. There was no darkness only light. When I did it led to a lake and I fell in. Where I landed I can't explain. It was a void that had paths that led to nowhere and yet also somewhere. I went down a path and I landed in that place. But I still don't understand. Where exactly is here?" That was the question many feared to answer. Whatever the force had planned it would be a shock to anyone. Rowan is even a more complicated case. She was taken from her time and landed in theirs. How are they going to deal with that? It would be more of a risk to not continue her training. Many things they would have to take into consideration. 

"You are on Coruscant," Plo Koon answers. "However, not the one you have come to know." She tilts her head in confusion. If she remembered correctly Coruscant was supposed to be taken over by the sith. Couldn't remember if she was born yet when it happened.

"What Master Koon is trying to say is that the Coruscant you once knew happened years ago," Master Windu expresses. "The force for unknown reasons has transported you years into your future, which is our present." Panic ran through Rowan. How far into the future did she travel? Why did the force pick her? What does that mean for her now? 

"Fear you have," Master Yoda speaks up for the first time. 

"I'm sorry it's just all so much. All I wanted was for one day to find my place in the Order. This isn't exactly what I asked for or expected," Rowan admits. Yoda gives her a kind smile. She was honest with them and herself. Different she was, yes very different. Difficult her path would be. Made up his mind Yoda did. 

"Yes change many things for you. However, change can be good. Train you must. How is the question." 

"Master?" Mace speaks up. 

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