The beginning

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What a sunny day in Brooklyn. The montero's were getting ready for the day as Mrs montero went upstairs to wake sepphira.
( Mrs montero in sepphira's room)

Lisa: Wake up, sleepy head(she gets a pillow and hits her head). wake up!

Sepphira: ( struggling and grumbling in bed) mum, please, a few more minutes in bed.

Lisa: Na ah, you have slept enough. Besides, today is your enrollment at that fancy university you have been wishing to go to.

Sepphira: ( her eyes widen in shock as she jumps out of bed and heads to the bathroom).

Sepphira had breakfast as fast as she could as her and her mother headed to the school.

(Lisa speaks to Sepphira)

Lisa: Sepphira, I forgot to tell you that um...... that Venus called, and he.........( interrupted by Sepphira)

Sepphira: Ugh! Mum, not again, I told you that I don't like it when we have this discussion, especially on special occasions like today, please.

Lisa: But dear......( Sepphira turns on the radio and highers the volume so that she can't hear her mother. Lisa then said in her mind) how long can you stay made at your father, Sepphira, sooner or later, you are bound to forgive him.

(In the teeth of the underworld; strange chanting overtakes the waves of the atmosphere as we witness 12 werewolves surrounded a coffin, and each of the werewolves does a particular sign over and over again chanting ancient spells.)

Valmon: suzzy, bring the Sapphron stem, cat pupil, hair strands from a wolf, and the blue raven sapphire.

Suzzy: Sire, I've got everything you asked for, except for the blue raven sapphire, it no longer exists.

Valmon: What are you telling me! ( he turns to face her) Are you saying that you brought all the items necessary, except for the most important one?

Suzzy: I'm so sorry, Valmon, but the location and any other suspected location were negligible.

Valmon: meaning?

Suzzy: i mean that the blue raven sapphire is nowhere to be found, sire.

Valmon: But didn't I tell you that my vision foresaw a new sapphire growing in the location?

Suzzy: Yes, Valmon, you did, but....... I'm sorry to say that your vision was wrong.

Valmon: ( he gets angry and grabs her neck tightly as his sharp nails pierce into her skin) Do you realise what you have done? You have not only insulted my power, but you have also cut our ritual half way. Do you know that without yhe blue raven sapphire, our great alpha king won't possess his full strength? Huh! ( he throws her aside).

Vicii: ( vicii comes to calm him down) sire, you have to calm down. Let's continue with the ritual. When he comes back, he will go in search of his sapphire.

Valmon: Alright. Gather around everyone. Let's continue with the ritual.

Everyone forms a circle around the coffin, as Valmon puts all those things onto the coffin. They chanf some more, before the gascet suddenly opens wide, and, there imerged, the great alpha.

Valmon: Our King! Welcome( Valmon and the rest of the werewolves bow)

Strange voice: feels good to be back.

the alpha's returnWhere stories live. Discover now