5: Luck

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"I did it!" Hikari cheered when he walked out UA. Hiko glared at him, for she had failed her physical exam (and was quite bitter about it)
Himself, Hikari had passed all his end of term exams with flying colours. He doubted it mattered, but the grades were the best of the entire class. And that while Hikari had robbed a high security company. He felt great.

All he had to do to finish all of his worries was to hand in what he had stolen.
After he dropped his school stuff at home, he left with some comfortable clothes and the two bags of stolen goods.

While Hikari enjoyed the warm day, he put his free hand in his pocket and realised he wasn't fidgeting with his lighter. He was feeling good, not stressed, and it was all going to be fine.

"Found you." A voice said.

Maybe Hikari should have been alarmed. He looked behind him a bit carelessly, where he found someone smiling. Then he got a hit on his head, and everything turned black.

Had Hikari jinxed it when he said he had luck on his side? He didn't know, nor did he care. His mood though, took a leap into a very large grave where it died from falling damage.

Instead of playing a game to finish his victorious day, Hikari would beat someone up, he decided, because this wasn't fun.

His head pounding, Hikari woke up, his mouth had the distant taste of blood and he wondered just how hard he had been hit. Slowly Hikari looked around, hoping the bright lights would have mercy on him.
The room he was in fortunately was dark. Someone sat on a chair, watching him intently. The hair...

"Oh it's you," Hikari recognised the girl from the heist. She looked angry, though she was without her sibling.

"Still don't know my name?"

Hikari shrugged carelessly. "I already told you, the heist, and then we wouldn't know each other no more."

"Sure, sure," the girl said as she got up. She put her hands behind her back as she slowly walked closer. "I can also remember you saying something else. You remember what it is?"

"Nope." Hikari felt the bounds that held his hands. He saw his bag close to the door. The door was closed, but Hikari saw some light from behind it showing it wasn't locked. The plan formed in his head as he tried to look as disinterested as he could.

"I remember you saying I would get my fair share." The girl put a finger to her chin as though thinking, "I could just stab you to death and take the bags of loot, but money would be nicer."

Hikari raised his eyebrows. "I really don't care," he grumbled before changing his mind, "But... sure. Just loosen the bounds, I've got money in my pocket."

The girl rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to untie you. I'm not stupid." Hikari knew she was. The bounds gave away and Hikari refrained from pulling them lose just yet. He knew he could escape now.

She walked up to the chair and reached to Hikari's hoodie pocket. When she did, Hikari immediately hit his head against her nose. With a pained cry, the girl stepped back and clutched her nose.

Hikari got up and the rope fell on the ground. Running to the door, Hikari grabbed the two bags and send the girl a last smile.
"It was fun hanging out."

The door closed behind him and Hikari locked it.

He looked behind him quickly, and then realised his mistake.

Two siblings. One was inside the room, the other now held a knife against Hikari's side.

Gritting his teeth, Hikari slowly let go of his bag, but held onto the other.
"Fine... you got me," he said patiently.

The boy gave a gruff before turning Hikari around. "Just give us the money. We'll let you go after that."

Rolling his eyes, Hikari reached for the knife. Suddenly a sharp pain entered his side and his eyes widened. His bag slipped from his hand as he gasped.
"Fuck!" Hikari winced. He reached for the knife, again, but the boy didn't let go.

"Yeah, hurts, huh." The boy twisted the knife slightly and Hikari gasped in pain. "I can stab you twice, trice, and even chop off a few fingers. Just give us the some money, to compensate for leaving us, yeah?"

Obviously Hikari hadn't made friends.

Looking around he found nothing to aid him right now. Hikari had a knife in his side though.
Ever since he was a kid he had learned to defend himself. Even if it was behind him, the knowledge was still there.

So Hikari pulled the knife out of his side and tried to pry it out of the boy's hand, even stomping on the boy's foot to hopefully startle him more.

Finally the knife was in Hikari's hand and the boy tried to throw a punch. Hikari winced as he crouched to avoid the punch. Then he drove the knife towards the boy's chest, only to have it stop just before it could hit the cloth of his lose shirt.

Hikari's wrist was painfully in the boy's hold. With his other arm, the boy pushed Hikari against the wall, not avoiding his wound at all. With a hiss Hikari felt the wall meeting his back.

"Finally!" The door to the room opened and the girl walked out with an annoyed look. "Make him pay! He locked me in!"

"I already stabbed him," the boy said proudly.

The girl rolled her eyes and took the knife out of Hikari's hands. Even if the knife was put useless to him, Hikari still preferred it in his own hands.
The girl waved the knife around before he put it to Hikari's throat. The cold line terrified Hikari, though he just glared at both the siblings, his wound burning as he almost leaned in the hold he was in.

"You know you can't," the boy murmured.

"He's got the money." The girl considered her own words. Then she sighed and the knife left Hikari's thoat.
Relief floated thorugh him, before another sharp pain filled Hikari, this time just below his chest.

"Fuck!!" Hikari said at the sudden pain.

The girl grinned and pulled the knife back out again. The boy let go, noticing how weak Hikari suddenly got.
In pain, Hikari dropped himself on the floor, the wall making him sit up still.

Blood gathered around him, and Hikari knew he needed to stop dying. He looked around, completely ignoring the siblings searching through his bag. He pulled off his hoodie, his lighter falling out as he tied it around his chest. The wound in his side was bleeding fast, but not as fast as the one he just helped.
Helped, not fixed.
Hikari looked around again and gritted his teeth. He couldn't get up like this, he felt his legs growing weaker by the second. Think. What would Hiko do? She's always got a plan up her sleeve.
Hiko would...

Hikari frowned.
The siblings had gone out, and now Hikari was alone. He was going to bleed out, all on his own. At least they only took some money, and not his phone.

With a sigh Hikari got up a bit. He stumbled towards his bag and plopped down. He didn't acknowledge the trail of blood he had so kindly created, and he didn't look at how shady this all looked. He grabbed his phone, holding it in front of him as he concidered just dying instead.

Closing his eyes, Hikari clikded on a button.

"Hey..." a voice sounded, "Hikari? Aren't you home? What's up?"

"Hawks... I kinda..." Hikari opened his eyes to stare at the gathering blood. Tiredly he admitted it. "I fucked up."

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