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Welcome to the Mystic Book Reviews club! We are here to provide you with insightful reviews of your book

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Welcome to the Mystic Book Reviews club! We are here to provide you with insightful reviews of your book. Our reviews not only help boost your followers and readership, but also assist you in enhancing your book to its fullest potential. Don't hesitate any longer, come join us now!


💭What Mystic Book Reviews is for?

≈ The review club offers the opportunity to review any book at no cost.
≈We present to you a comprehensive evaluation of your book.

💭How to Join?

≈ 1. First, make sure to carefully read and fulfill all the provided rules before moving forward. Do the general payments.

2. Next, select the reviewer section that suits your needs and carefully review all the instructions they have provided.

3. Complete the form provided by the reviewer, making sure to do so only on their designated section. Then, patiently wait for their approval.

4. Once your book is accepted by the reviewer, promptly make all the necessary payments and inform them, allowing them to begin their work smoothly.


General payments

1} Follow @MysticBookClub .

2} Add this book to your Public Reading list.

3} Give this review book a shoutout on your message board by sharing link.

4} tag 3+ peoples in your form.



1} Kindly ensure that all general payments are made prior to submitting your form.

2}After the reviewer has approved your form, kindly make the necessary payments as requested.

3} Add this book to your reading list , so you'll be notified, if your book is been reviewed . Please do comment us, once you receive your book's review.

4} All the reviews will be posted in this book.

5}Trust the expertise of our reviewers and allow them to review your chapter at their own pace. They will dedicate their time and effort to provide their best feedback on your book. It's important not to push for a positive review, as their honest and unbiased evaluation will ultimately benefit you. Remember to approach everyone, including the reviewers, with kindness and politeness, regardless of their opinions on your book. Rest assured, our reviewers are committed to delivering a favorable outcome that will be advantageous for you.
6} Please remember that you are only allowed to submit one book at a time for review.

Thank you! ✨🦋

~ 𝘊𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘺 blazebby06mention a user

𝙈𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝘽𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙍𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬𝙨 | OPEN FOR ALLWhere stories live. Discover now