Always & Forever (Inspired Song Imagine)

Start from the beginning

"I think it's just me not getting enough food in my system I don't know." You said honestly.

He didn't say anything else as he put an arm around you rubbing your back.

You leaned into him before closing your eyes.

"It's gonna be okay... You are going to be okay Y/N" He whispered in your ear and that's all you heard before drifting into a well needed sleep.

Hours Later your eyes opened, The sun was down you hopped up looking around.

"Harry?" You called just as the door opened revealing Liam as walked in slowly.

"Sorry I was just gonna wake you up." Liam whispered and you looked at him confusedly.

"The suitcases are packed in the trunk and everything is situated so we can go." Liam continued to explain and you nodded feeling light headed but getting up anyway he helped you out of the bed before guiding you out of the the bedroom.

You couldn't help the pool that formed in your eyes knowing that you'll never be here again.

As you walked into the living room your eyes widened as you saw Eleanor, Sophia, Perrie , (Y/B/F) , Zayn , Harry , And Louis all standing in front of the couch , Perrie ,Sophia, (Y/B/F/) , & Eleanor all looked at you sympathetically before walking over towards you.

You sniffled wiping your eyes giving them a small small as all four of them circled around you.

"I can't believe you guys are here." You exclaimed softly as you began hugging each of them.

"Of course Y/N we'll always be here in your time of need." Sophia said smiling at you as you hugged her.

"Yeah we know this is a hard time for you and we just wanna be here for you." (Y/B/F) said and you smiled at them.

"Thank you guys for coming." You said and they all nodded.

"Thank all of you guys for coming I appreciate this so much." You looked around the room.

"Zayn, Perrie." You acknowledged smiling at them seeing that you haven't seen them since the wedding two years ago only hearing about them.

They smiled softly at you before Louis cleared his throat everyone turned to look at him as he began rocking back in forth with his hands behind his back.

"I hate to break up this whole reunion. But um... We should probably get going if we wanna make it to Ireland anytime soon." He informed akwardly.

Everyone just started nodding piling up before walking out of the door , Liam patted you on the back before leaving you in the house alone.

You took a deep breath looking at the house you've grown to love the house that carried so many wonderful memories The house that you were leaving for good.

You couldn't stand being here without Niall.

The pain you feel just looking at the house now hurts ,

You looked around one last time not saying a word before exiting locking the door behind you , you quickly got into the limo, seeing everybody having sunglasses and hoodies on.

You looked at them raising your eyebrow and before you could even say anything (Y/B/F/) handed you a pair and Harry passing you a hoodie.

You held them in your hands you could feel all eyes on you but you didn't say anything as you put the sunglasses on your face quickly putting on the hoodie.

You were instantly bombarded with a familiar scent you looked at this hoodie seeing it was kinda familiar.

"Is this..." You paused "Is this Niall's?" You asked your voice cracking as you looked up at Harry he nodded answering your question you could feel the pain flying over you but you didn't say anything else.

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