Alive and Kicking (Part 1)

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Elijah looks at him in shock as he thought of how to get something into his head, that he cannot "She grows more savage by the day! Can you not see that she is falling apart?"

"Perhaps the problem is your high standards? Hayley is one of us now. Being a vampire only exaggerates what you truly are, and wolves are wild things. She knows she can never live up to the pretty little picture you paint of her in your head. Your judgment only hurts her more." Klaus replies, obviously agitated.

" I am trying to help her, and I asked you to help her, brother" Elijah tells him

Klaus angrily rises to his feet "I am helping! You should have seen her last night! Covered in witches' blood and smiling from ear to ear! She is embracing this. A little less criticism from you, and Hayley will be just fine."

"Niklaus! The mother of your child deserves much better than just fine!" The two glare at each other "You'll take her to the Bayou. Find any remaining wolves. Perhaps her people can reach her. Now, more than ever, she needs a connection to something, some of her humanity, some degree of dignity." Elijah was about to angrily storm out of the room, leaving Klaus to consider his advice but stopped in his tracks for a second.

"You must understand, She's taken a twisted turn" he tells Klaus before continuing out of the room

"Well aren't we all a bit twisted" his brother responded quietly, unsure if Elijah heard him or not.

Natalia's P.O.V

Now that I had changed, and luckily Elijah, along with his annoying brooding self had left, I decided there had to be a way to get over my boredom. I turned to Haven raising my eyebrow, she didn't even have to look up considering she already knew me.

"Whatever it is you want I don't care for it unless it involves clothes, shoes, or cute boys."

I rolled my eyes "oh c'mon, I was planning on having fun tonight with some little human, maybe a couple of newbie vampires, depending on my mood" she looks up at me, squinting her eyes.

"And Kol? He doesnt even know your back yet"

I laugh, a laugh that isn't really because something is funny, but because I'm sick of something "there is no Kol sweetie, now are you going to come have some fun with me or are you going to stay here and paint your freaking nails?" She purses her lips before sighing loudly, but standing up, making me smirk "I thought so."


"Im bored" Haven whines for about the tenth time in the past hour "you said we would do something fun and all we've done was compel a couple to break eachothers ring fingers, why that was even necessary, i dont know"

I rolled my eyes "i was feeling poetic"

"I see" she commented, ahead of us we saw a club like restaurant, except there was the strong smell of booze and blood. Meaning this was one of Marcels vampire clubs.

"Lets go there" Haven suggested

I looked at the club "fine" i stated as we walked in. The music was extremley loud, there were couples hanging out, and making out. There were also a couple of humans being fed on. Lots of alcohol and light strobes. Sweaty bodies dancing against eachother, radiating heat and adrenaline. I looked up to the balcony and something caught my eye, someone rather.

"Luen" i murmured. Haven looked at the side of my face before following my gaze upwords, meeting my brother's eyes which i couldnt read. I also couldnt decide wether i wanted to flash toward him or away from him but by the time i decided to get the hell out of there i had run head first into something hard.

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