Chapter 22: The sleepover

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Elliana's pov: So me, Jules and Sophia all head home to pack our stuff for the sleepover then we all meet up at Jules house, but Sophia was kinda running behind. We made sure we had plenty of snacks like crisps and fruit etc from the fridge and cupboards as well as some juice bottles so there will be no tails appearing just to be on the safe side. While Jules makes sure there's plenty of pillows for everyone. So the living room is all set.
Elliana: Jules? Are you sure alfalfa and blackcurrant juice is the right way to go?
Jules: What do you mean? There are really nice and popular flavours.
Elliana: Well, I just thought that maybe this year. Now that you've quit the Gymnastics team and swim team it might be a good idea to try some new flavours.
Jules: Like what, exactly?
Elliana: Maybe sugar. Orange, strawberry or summer fruits.
Jules: Sure...and why don't we just have full fat milk whilst we're at it. So you're just talking crazy. Also El, are you sure people will go for these?
Elliana: I'm positive, least I hope they do. Individual bottles and the best part is that any spillage will be contained.
Jules's pov: Places towels on the coffee table.
Jules: And these?
Elliana: Uhhh, maybe just say that your mum was just doing the washing.
Daniella's pov: Just walks into the room to see how everything is going.
Daniella: Wow, girls, the room looks amazing. Don't worry girls, I won't be hanging around to cramp your style. But I have made some sushi for starters. We've also got some soy and tofu burgers for mains, and not gonna lie to you girls but you might wanna think about putting away these towels.
Jules: Thanks mum.
Daniella: You're welcome sweetheart.
Jules's pov: Then we all hear a knock at the door.
Daniella: Okay, girls, I'll make myself disappear. So have fun girls.
Daniella's pov: Heads back upstairs to mine and Pasha's room aka Jules's dad.
Jules pov: Goes to open the door.
Jules: Hey girls, come in. you're right on time.
Holly: Hi Juliana.
Jules: Hi Holly.
Liz: How are you?
Jules: I'm good, thank you.
Jules's pov: Everyone all follows us into the living room and we get the music started, with some fun girl talk.
Liz: Your mum is still serving vegetable salads, right? Cause I did bring my dietary supplements just in case you guys have slightly changed your ways.
Jules: Well I may not be on the team anymore but I do like to stay healthy and sensibly.
Liz: I am currently tapering, but don't forget in the morning me and some of the other girls have to be up by 5:00 for training.
Jules: Relax girls, i've got it all sorted. As I've set up a quiet room upstairs in my bedroom for anyone who will need to crash early.
Liz: That's our Jules, she's always got everything sorted. We sooo miss you on the gym and swim team.
Jules: I still swim occasionally and I still do gymnastics but they just got too much for me with school work, so I had to give it up.
Liz: That's understandable.
Isabelle: These bottles are so cute.
Jules: Thank you.
Jules pov: We all get busy doing hair and makeup, but I go and talk to sophia as she's just arrived.
Jules: Hey Soph.
Sophia: Hey, sorry I'm late. My dad got very lost and I had to help him fix the tap.
Jules: It's okay, don't worry.
Sophia: Looks like you're all having fun.
Jules: Are you starting to think it's not really your scene?
Sophia: I can't believe it's anyone's scene to be honest. The old me would be all over this.
Jules: What do you mean?
Sophia: After my mum died I changed my mind from being a girly girl but sometimes I still am depending on my mood.
Jules: I'm sorry to hear that.
Sophia: It's okay.
Jules: I'm always here for you and so is ellie.
Sophia: Thank you.
Jules pov: We hug and then the doorbell rings, then the door pushes open and it's Ella and carson.
Ella: I don't know which one of my numbers you sent my invite to, but it was definitely lost.
Sophia: So how about joining it?
Carson's pov: Walks in holding pastries.
Jules: I'm glad you could make it.
Jules pov: I was definitely being sarcastic. And mum comes down to see who it is.
Daniella: Hi Carson, fancy seeing you here. Come in, please. What a delightful surprise. And Ella, I haven't seen you in ages!
Daniella's pov: Hugs Ella.
Sophia's pov: Talking to Jules by the stairs.
Sophia: I really can't stand gate crashers.
Jules: Same here.
Sophia: You want me to kick them out?
Jules: Totally, but forget it as I really don't wanna make a massive scene in front of my mum.
Jules's pov: Walks into the kitchen to hear my mum inviting them to stay.
Carson: You're mum, have just invited us to stay and eat with you all.
Jules: That's amazing. *being sarcastic* I just hope there's enough food for everyone.
Daniella: Oh well it looks like Carson thought of the same thing. As he's brought along a contribution.
Carson: I bought pastries. And they're gluten free.
Daniella: Oh that's very thoughtful.
Jules pov: Holding back my annoyance.
Jules: Mum, can I talk to you please?
Daniella: Of course sweetie.
Jules pov: We go to the stairs.
Daniella: What's wrong sweetie?
Jules: They weren't invited.
Daniella: Oh well they are here now though.
Jules: And you asked them to stay.
Daniella: Sweetie, you and Carson might not get along the way you used to, but he's still an old family friend. So you should be making more of an effort, as he's a lovely young man.
Jules: But mum!
Daniella: No buts. So I'll be heading upstairs, so please have a good one.
Jules pov: Heads back to Sophia.
Emily: Hey, let's get into our pj's.
Everyone: Yay. *we all go and get changed*
Sophia: There's got to be a parallel universe, instead of watching this.
Jules pov: Everyone goes and gets changed then all hangs around carson. So me, Sophia and Ellie are sitting at a table.
Elliana: Well this is just boring as everyone only wants to talk to Carson.
Sophia: He's definitely up to something.
Jules: Yeah, he's taking over my sleepover. Carson! I need to speak to you, right now.
Carson: Sorry, Jules, I can't right now. As the girls need me.
Jules: Carson!
Jules pov: Gets up and walks over
Carson: Jules, really right now, I'll be letting them down.
Jules: They will be able to cope, so move it.
Carson: Excuse me ladies, I think I'm needed for a moment in private.
Jules pov: We both walk upstairs to my room.
Carson's pov: Walks into her room and has a look around.
Carson: Ab, check this out. It's our old primary school photo.
Jules: Uh, hello. Whatever you're trying to pull… carson, just forget it.
Carson: Hey, I'm just here with Ella, that's all.
Jules: Ohh, really! And what does your girlfriend think of you flirting with other women?
Carson: Girlfriend? Uhhh, no. I don't think so. Ella, is literally the girl that I let follow me around, whenever it suits me to be honest.
Jules: You are literally just a big player.
Carson: Me? Hey, I brought her a new outfit for tonight. So she is getting a good deal.
Sophia's pov: Walks upstairs to jules room with pastries.
Sophia: Pastries anyone?
Sophia's pov: We both stare at him.
Carson: I really shouldn't. As they're a gift, for you and your guests.
Jules: Awe so thoughtful, but you're literally a guest carson. So go on, go ahead.
Carson's pov: Grabs one on the opposite side on the tray.
Jules: Uh how about that one.
Jules pov: point's to one on the corner, on the other side of the tray.
Carson's pov: Picks it up and eats it.
Carson: Mmhmm delicious. Perhaps, I'll eat them all myself. What?
Sophia: Nothing.
Carson: You didn't happen to think that might be sooo immature that I would've put prunes or something in them did you?
Sophia: No, not at all.
Jules: Okay, let's go carson.
Jules pov: Heads back downstairs and we lead him to the front door after giving my parents and my lil sister the rest of the pastries .
Carson: You'll be sorry. You're looking at the life of the party here, girls.
Jules: Don't care Carson.
Jules pov: Keeps walking him to the door.
Liz: Hey Jules, come show us your necklace.
Jules: Just a minute, then I will. And Sophia, get rid of him. And also do me a favour and keep an eye out, Because I wouldn't be surprised if he made a random reappearance.
Jules pov: Walks away.
Sophia's pov: Pushes him out the door while waving him out the door. And then heads back to the living room.
Jules pov: Goes to the kitchen and takes off my necklace and puts it on my shirt.
Liz: Wow, it's beautiful.
Holly: It's so pretty.
Liz: Are you gonna come and get in your pj's?
Jules: Yep, i'm just gonna go get some pillows at the same time.
Jules pov: Leaves my necklace on the side and heads up to get changed.
Emily: Pillow fight time.
Emily's pov: We all have a pillow fight.
Elliana's pov: Sees a girl struggling to figure out the cooler box.
Elliana: What's the problem?
Sarah: It's just about empty.
Elliana: I'll fix it.
Sarah: It's okay, I can do it.
Elliana: No, you're the guest.
Sarah: No really, it's alright I don't mind.
Elliana's pov: Then the cooler leaks on my hand. Then tries to make a plan.
Sarah: I am so sorry.
Elliana's pov: See the girl's pillow fighting and then runs into a closet quickly. transforms into a mermaid and goes into a sleeping bag.
Liz: Are you okay in there?
Elliana: Hang on.
Sarah: Hey Elliana, the sleepover is out here.
Elliana: Just a second, I'll be out in a minute.
Liz: Elliana?
Liz's pov: Opens the door
Elliana's pov: Falls out the cupboard onto the pillows as you can't really stand on a tail, but no one else knows.
Elliana: I think it's about time we got comfy and hit the dvds, right girls?
All of the girls: Yeah definitely.
Liz: Actually I got an idea.
Liz's pov: We all put sarah in a sleep bag and lifts her up and down. Then we put her down. Then Ella walks up.
Ella: Now, this was Elliana's idea. I think we should give her a turn.
Sarah: Yeah, Ellie. Now it's your turn.
All the girls: Ellie, Ellie, Ellie, Ellie *walking towards her*
Elliana: You girls are really gonna risk an injury, as I'm heavier than I look.
All the girls: Ellie, Ellie, come on Ellie.
Ella's pov: Walking towards the necklace.
Elliana: I suffer from motion sickness, and air sickness.
Elliana's pov: Uses my water power to create a distraction with the drinks and they more power that i used they managed to explode everywhere including all over Ella.
Ella: Ahhhhhh!
Ella's pov: Screams as I get covered in drinks.
Jules pov: That's when I walked into the kitchen to see everything going on, and laughed.
Elliana's pov: Sneaks off to the bathroom.
Jules: Not this again, everytime this room gets hot and full of people like alot of people, something just seems to happen to the air in here and bang there go all of the drinks.
Ella: Well, those drinks just ruined my brand new top!
Jules: Oh well.
Jules pov: Leaves the pillows and looks around for Ellie, so I go to the downstairs bathroom.
Elliana's pov: Uses a hairdryer to dry off my tail, which is taking ages.
Jules pov: Knocks on the bathroom door.
Jules: Ellie, it's me. Open up.
Elliana's pov: Opens the door slightly.
Jules pov: Squeezes through the gap, with a towel.
Elliana's pov: Powers up the hair dryer again and Jules helps me out.
{Meanwhile in the living room}

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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