Chapter 16: the learning of the turtles

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Byron: Soo... this morning I saw the first length of the season's turtles that were laying eggs this morning at the beach. It was really amazing.
Elliana: Wow! That's wonderful.
Byron: Yeah it is really great, but I heard a rumour that one of the turtles got caught in a fishing net while heading back out to sea.
Elliana: Ohh, that poor little thing.
Byron: Well I gotta go to class so see ya.
Byron's pov: Walks to class.
Elliana's pov: Heads to my locker and grab my books when Jentzen walks up to me.
Jentzen: Hey, Ellie. Do you wanna hang out with me at the mall later?
Elliana: I'm busy. Sorry.
Jentzen: Ellie, look. I know that these recent changes and developments have hit you pretty hard. But you can't just hide away forever. And also just because you're *whispering* a mermaid...
Elliana: Listen okay, I'm not one of those things. I've actually never liked the water. And I never will.
Elliana's pov: walks away again.
Jentzen: What are you gonna do? Hide from the water for the rest of your life?
Elliana's pov: stays silent and heads to class.
Sophia's pov: after class we ran into jentzen.
Sophia: you're bummed out, right?
Jentzen: She's just taking a little bit of time to...yeah, I'm bummed out.
Elliana's pov: heads down to the stairs and see them all talking.
Jentzen: but I am pretty sure that she doesn't want to talk about it.
Jules: forget it, Jentzen. We can deal with this. It's just a girl thing.
Jules pov: heads up to where Ellie is.
Jules: Ellie! About this whole mermaid business...
Elliana: we'll I just think that there is more Important thing in life than seeing how long you can hold your breath for and frolicking with all of the dolphins.
Sophia: I don't frolick. I glide.
Elliana: whatever? It's not that important. So I don't wanna talk about it.
Jules: I don't get how you can say that? As this is one of the most amazing things that has ever happened to us. And also probably the most amazing thing that has ever happened to anyone.
Elliana: We'll, In my opinion it's not. Also what about the turtles?
Jules: Turtles?
Elliana: we'll, apparently. A sea turtle got caught in one of the fishing nets this morning. That's important!
Sophia: I really don't believe this. You're such a hypocrite, literally.
Elliana: why?
Sophia: Ellie, you're dad's a fisherman. So, it could be one of his nets that are trapping the turtles.
Elliana: That's not true. As my dad wouldn't do that.
Sophia: really?
Elliana: Yes, really.
Elliana's pov: walks away and off to class. Later that evening after school I tried to sit down and talk to my dad. So he made me a coffee.
Sasha: Ellie, coffee!
Elliana's pov: So I sat down next to him and drink my coffee.
Elliana: dad...have you ever caught any sea turtles?
Sasha: What sort of a question is that?
Elliana: It's just a simple question. Have you ever caught a turtle in one of your fishing nets?
Sasha: Ellie, you know me! I only know and do  what's right, okay?
Elliana: That's not an answer.
Sasha: Sweetie, we do everything by the book. As we only use the nets with grids in them. So if a turtle comes in, it will be directed to an opening. Plus we also fish miles away from the nesting beaches.
Elliana: we'll, lots of people have heard that the turtles are still getting caught.
Sasha: Well, not by me. And by anyone who's doing the right thing.
Elliana's pov: That night we both went to bed, then the next morning came quicker then I thought.
Sophia's pov: That morning me and Jules decided to go for a swim. Ellie's dads boat was unloading some nets while we were swimming and we both saw a turtle being caught, which was really bazaar. So me and Jules went over to the net to see what was going on and we came up with a plan to set it free.
(Meanwhile on the boat above the waters)
Eddie's pov: comes out of the boat cabin to see him slicing bait.
Eddie: Come on Jake, we aren't going to be quoted for it if we don't move it.
Jake's pov: Goes to start pulling the net up.
(Meanwhile back under the water)
Sophia's pov: Just as he walks away I steal his slicing knife and quickly take it back with me under the water so that we get set the turtle free. And that's exactly what we did as we ripped it open with the knife and the turtle swam back out of the net. And we were able to do it before they started to pull the net up and I put the knife back onto the boat and quickly went back under. And watch the turtle swim away. We swam back to shore, and went into the cafe and that's when we saw the news report.
Tv Reporter on the tv at the cafe: some local fishermen today have been confronted with a possible menace from the deep. Commercial fishermen have reported a numerous amounts of incidents that may involve a rogue shark 🦈. They were lucky enough to escape without any injuries, but...
Elliana's pov: walks into the cafe where I see Jules and Sophia.
Elliana: Hey, guys what's going on?
Brandon: Hey, Ellie...look your dad's on the tv.
Sasha (on the tv): I have been fishing in these waters for a long time now, and in all my years of fishing I've never seen something like this. And there's only one main suspect that could have caused this damage to the nets and that is a huge rogue shark 🦈.
Elliana's pov: as the reported ended I turn to my friends and I felt really bad for him.
Elliana: Poor dad.
Sophia: We are really sorry to have to tell you this Ellie, but your dad didn't exactly catch a shark. It was actually a turtle 🐢.
Jules: We were the ones to cut the net in order to set it free.
Elliana: No way. My dad wouldn't ever in a million years, to decide to catch a turtle or turtles 🐢.
Jules: What we are saying is true Ellie. We're really sorry.

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