Chapter 15: trying to get Ellie to enbrace the changes

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Elliana's pov: We hung out at the beach for the rest of the afternoon and then that evening after dinner my dad started to watch something about sharks.
Sasha: That's just nasty. You definitely don't wanna mess with one of those.
Ruby: Have you ever seen a great white, dad?
Sasha: Only once. As it took half my catch for the day and shredded my net. You don't mess with them. They'll rip you to bits. Tiny bits. Little teeny weeny bits.
Elliana: Ruby. Ruby. *whispers* uh, dishes.
Ruby: Ten dollars.
Elliana: What? You only charged five to do them yesterday.
Ruby: We'll, if you want me to keep doing your chores? Well, my price has gone up. And Besides, I wanna watch tv.'s ten dollars.
Elliana: No way.
Ruby: Well, what's up with you, anyway? I know you're scared of water, but this is getting ridiculous.
Elliana: Fine, ten. I'll pay you later.
Sasha: Ahh, Ellie. Check this out. This is the best part. It's called feeding frenzy.
Elliana: How can you even watch this stuff?
Elliana's pov: Heads up to my room and heads to bed. Then the next morning Jules and Sophia went for a swim but I didn't go as I never wanted this to happen.
Sophia's pov: The swim over the reef was literally incredible and was such an awesome feeling. We saw all different types of fish, sea life, and corals. Then we decided to go for a juice. That's where we met up with Jentzen and Ellie. And he brought us all a juice.
Jules: Hey, Jentzen. You'll never believe what we discovered. While we were out swimming we decided to time ourselves and guess how long we can actually hold our breath for!?
Jentzen: Ummm... 3 minutes?
Jules: Nope. Actually it was 15 minutes.
Jentzen: Wow, that's impressive.
Sophia: Yup, it's pretty cool.
Jules: I'm thinking that we could actually stay down for even longer if we really tried as well as push ourselves to the limit.
Sophia: You know what, you're on!
Jules: You actually think that you can beat me?
Sophia: I don't need to know as I know I can. So...bring it on.
Jentzen: You all must be jumping out of your own skin about all of this stuff.
Jules: Yeah, we are. Well actually, two of us are.
Elliana's pov: Walks up to the table.
Jentzen: Heyyy, Ellie. Guess what? These guys can hold their breath for 15 minutes!!!
Jentzen's pov: Being a bit over dramatic.
Both: Jentzen!!!
Jentzen: Sorry.
Elliana: What's going on?
Jules: We've been... you know, swimming.
Sophia: It's literally the best thing ever. The reef is also out of this world.
Elliana: That's great.
Elliana's pov: Tried to change the subject.
Elliana: So...has anyone been able to finish that calculus homework?
Jentzen: Slightly.
Elliana: Question 7's is actually a nightmare.
Jules pov: Bringing it back to the actual conversation.
Jules: We missed you this morning. Why weren't you answering your phone?
Elliana's pov: Changed the conversation again.
Elliana: And that project with geography, that's due Thursday. We really need to get together on that one.
Sophia: Enough Ellie. Please listen to us.
Elliana: What now?
Sophia: Listen, Ellie. Whatever has happened to us is really incredible. You've got to come out with us, the water is literally amazing.
Elliana: And I don't wanna do it okay? I didn't ask for any of this to happen to us. So please stop bugging me about it, got it?
Elliana's pov: Gets up and walks away. And then the next morning we head off to school. And I walked into the grounds, when I heard someone shouting my name.
Byron: Hey, Ellie!
Byron's pov: Runs up to Ellie.
Byron: You've gotta come down to the beach.
Elliana: Why? Why does everyone want me to come down to the beach?
Elliana's pov: Starts to walk away.
Byron's pov: Goes after her.
Byron: Hey, chill. Alright?
Elliana: Sorry. I'm just a bit tense. What's going on?

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