Chapter Fifty - The Tunnels

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Word Count: 2,895 words. 

Warnings: None. 

Why had I agreed to it? I knew that it had to be a bad idea when I didn't completely discard it, but never had I thought that this was where this night would go. I certainly did not think that I would be in the backseat of Steve car with a bandaged, broken wrist, bruised neck and an unconscious idiot in my lap.

"Max, be careful," I warned as she turned too quickly, tires screeching.

Steve stirred in my lap and I looked down at him with a smile. "Lia?" he murmured.

"Morning sunshine," I tried, casting a quick glance to the road ahead. "I thought Billy had killed you."

He groaned in pain, turning them. "Why are we... what?"

"You put up a good fight," Dustin tried to reassure him.

"Okay, you're gonna keep straight for half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai," Lucas told Max. they sat in the front.

"What's going on?" Harrington asked.

"Okay, so you know that way we agreed that we wouldn't set the tunnels on fire?" I posed as he began to set up.

"Oh my God!" he exclaimed as he noticed Max in the driver's seat. "Oh my God!"

"I know, I know." I tried to calm him down, "but I can't drive with a broken wrist and they were going to leave us behind otherwise. Besides... Max has driven before."

"In a parking lot," the young red-head added.

"What?" I muttered quickly. "Max!"

"Turn left now!" Lucas told her and within seconds, the tires were screeching again and I held onto Steve for dear life.

"Woah, woah, woah!" he shouted.


Leaning against the car as they took the gasoline from the back of the car, I let out a heavy sigh.

"Max," I began, pointing at the young girl. "If we survive this, I'm teaching you how to drive properly." She gave me an apologetic smile before helping her friends.

I turned to Steve then, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Are you good?"

He looked at him, and I didn't miss how he flinched when eyes his cast across my neck. "I'm sorry," he apologised.

"Hey," I tried, taking his hand with my uninjured one and placing it on the side of my neck. "I'm okay."

He shook his head. "I lost that fight. If Max hadn't of found that needle, he could have killed you."

"But he didn't," I countered, placing my palm then against his cheek. "You came to my rescue."

"And then got my ass handed to me. I'm useless."

"Don't you dare say that," I scolded him. "You're not useless, not to me and not to these kids. Who else is going to babysit?"

He rolled his eyes, taking my hand away from his face and turning his attention to the broken wrist that I had wrapped in spare bandages. "I can't even do that right," he muttered. "Billy was ready to attack them and I couldn't stop him from abusing the person that means the most to me."

I smiled despite the conversation. "I mean the most to you?"

He laced his fingers with my good hand and lifted them both up to place the cold back of my hand against his swollen cheek. "I told you... it scares me how much I care about you."

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