Chapter Twelve - Alive

194 6 11

Word Count: 3,711 words. 

Warnings: None. 

They didn't stop. The voices. Well, the singular voice in my head. His voice. The visions didn't stop either. The images of black vines and the world around me nothing but dust. I ignored them, I had to. What else was there to do? Go back to Doctor Brenner so that he can just prescribe something else that I couldn't afford?

Nancy had called me over to her house. Something about a party but in all honesty, I wasn't completely listening. Eddie and Wayne had told me not to go, but I was already ditching school and I needed to get out of that house.

After only making it home late last week, mostly due to the fact that I had been sitting on that school bench for hours, they had made it perfectly clear that I wasn't to go in for the next while. That I was to stay home and put my feet up. I had to get everything under control.

Somehow, I had managed to convince them to let me go, after an hour of arguments, and now I sat in my car, parked in Nancy's driveway. Her own car wasn't there to meet me.

"Huh," I muttered to myself, sitting back in my chair.

"It's odd," he told me, breath hot on my neck. I would think that he was in the back seat if I knew that he wasn't real. "She asked you to come and she's not here to meet you. What a friend."

Turning off the ignition, I placed my keys in my pocket and left my car, slamming the door behind me. I was getting better at forgetting he was there. It had only been a week since I found Will and I had gone to a single appointment with Brenner. I had hated it. Every fucking second of some pretentious asshole telling me that he knew how to fix it all. He knew everything that I was going through and that all I had to do was take my meds. I've been taking my meds but he's still there. There were no more nosebleeds and no more headaches. The visions of the apocalypse were less than before, however, when they hit me, they were worse than his voice. That was the single thing that didn't leave me. Him.

Knocking softly on the front door, I waited for no response. Clearly, there was no one in but I might as well try. I was slightly shocked when Mike opened the front me.

"You're here," he exclaimed.

"Yes, I'm here. Your sister called me," I explained.

"No she didn't." He shook his head, tugging on my arm and pulling me into the house quickly.

"Woah, slow down Mike," I told him as he shut the door, dragging me down to the basement.

Lucas and Dustin where in the room as pushed me inside. I also took notice that Eleven was sat in the corner, a blanket around her. The little girl stood when I entered.

"What do you mean Nancy didn't call me Mike?" I posed, turning around to see him with a smile.

"I faked a voice. Figured you were too tired to pay attention to much but the words and hoped you would come," he explained quickly.

I shook my head. "You're insane."

"That's what I've been telling him," Dustin commented.

Turning around to face the curly-haired kid, I shook my head. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"Probably," Lucas muttered, "but Mike has locked us in his basement here so..."

I turned on Mike. "What the fuck is going on kid?"

"Will's not dead," he told me sternly.

Sighing, I placed my thumb and index finger on the bridge of my nose. "Mike," I tried.

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