Chapter Thirty-Four - Not Done Yet

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Word Count: 3,182 words. 

Warnings: None. 

It had been two weeks since the car crash - that hadn't actually been a car cash - and it bothered me. It bothered me that apart from the distinct memory of driving my car into a tree on the side of the road, there was no evidence that it had actually happened. My car was fine, not a scratch on her and I had no bruises from the impact. What bothered me even more than that was that I hadn't seen Eleven since. Her image hadn't appeared to me since that day, and neither had his voice.

The list only seemed to go on, the list of things that could irritate me coming up to Halloween, and I hated to admit that Steve Harrington was one of them.

I stood at my locker, a pile of books in hand as I looked at him across the hallway. He was stood hovering over Nancy, the two having sorted everything out after she blurted to Jonathon. He gave into her rather easily, may I add, but who was I to question it? I knew that I stared more than I had before. Watching as he ran his hand through that stupid hair, as he faked a smile whenever she looked at him. I wouldn't call it jealousy, it wasn't that but if it wasn't jealously, then I wasn't entirely sure what it actually was.

"Hello gorgeous," Billy's voice drifted, and I turned without a thought, smiling at the approaching boy.

He wasted no time before wrapping his arms around my waist, hands splayed against my lower back. The thin top I wore under my leather jacket made his hands feel closer to my skin that they actually were, sending shivers down my spine.

"Hi there," I returned, holding the books to my chest.

I didn't ask anymore. About the bruises and the busted lip that I often saw him with. We had gone back to our original agreement with little changes. The only thing I knew for sure now was that I was the only one he was seeing and I didn't know how I felt about that.

"What do you say we find a closet nearby?" he offered, pushing himself closer.

I rolled my eyes playfully, my smile entirely too fake for him to realise. "It's the middle of school Billy."

He nodded his head from side to side. "I'm failing to see your point."

"I have English to get to. If I have any chance of graduating this year, I can't afford to fail it," I argued gently.

He licked his lips. "You drive me insane Munson," he commented, grip tightening slightly on my back. He was getting annoyed, but clearly trying to hide it.

"That's why you're fooling around with me, isn't it?" I posed gently, letting one hand leave the book so that I could move his chin, forcing him to look at me.

His temper was something that I was getting used to. We argued more often than not, which usually resulted in angry make-up sex. I wasn't complaining about it, but Eddie was starting to notice the bruises on my legs and shoulders from Billy's grip.

I didn't mind the arguing, it helped me to keep a clear head, but lately it was getting a lot worse. There were moments that I found myself almost scared of him in a way that reminded me of my father.

"Is this a thing now?" Steve's voice joined the conversation. He and Nancy approached our right, Wheeler heading straight for her locker that was not two blocks from mine.

I knew that his question had been directed towards Billy, the grit in his voice told me that, but his eyes didn't look at the curly-haired boy currently holding me against him. He was looking at me, eyes all but bearing into my soul as he asked. I held his gaze as if being able to see into someone's soul was a possible feat. 

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