Chapter Thirty - Pick Me Up

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Word Count: 2,702 words. 

Warnings: None. 

I hadn't thought much about the pumpkin field in the night after. I knew it had something to do with the Upside Down, it had to, and although I was certain that we weren't done with it at the end of last year, I didn't think it would come back to bite us just yet. Besides, I had other things trying to distract me.

"I'm telling you Eddie, it's a bad idea," I told my brother, moving past the crowd at the front of the school to head towards our lockers.

"It's the best idea I've ever had," he argued, holding out his hands in a grand gesture as though he had thought up the way to end world hunger.

"Eddie," I sighed. "No."

"Thalia, yes," he countered.

Turning the combination on the front of my locker, I opened it quickly. "Why are you even asking me about this? Its not like I'm in the band."

"But you were," he tried. "We were Corroded Coffin!"

I scoffed. "Remind me how I agreed with that name."

Leaning against the locker beside me, my brother looked at me with his signature puppy dog eyes. "If you're not going to return to the band, at least let me borrow your car."

"No," I told him sternly, now serious.

"Josh needs to borrow it so we can move our gear to the venue."

"Venue?" I questioned. "Wait, when did you get the band back together?"

He shrugged, avoiding eye contact with me. "We never... really... broke up."

I gasped, slapping his shoulder harshly. He winced, rubbing his arm with a pout.

"You didn't break up the band, you just kicked me out!" I accused.

"The boys were ogling you," he argued, straightening. "I didn't like the way they looked at my sister."

"Sweet," I complimented before rolling my eyes, "but if you wanted them to stop, you should have kicked them out."

He hesitated. "You also weren't the best singer."

I rose a brow, taking a heavy book from my locker and aiming it at him. "Oh, you're dead."

Before the heavy biology book could hit him, a hand came out, grasping my wrist tightly and stopping my attack.

"Woah," Steve exclaimed as I turned to look at him. "Cool it down there Munson."

Having moved his hands towards his face to protect himself, Eddie peaking behind his fingers, sighing when he spotted Steve. "Thanks Harrington," he muttered.

I scoffed. "Let me hit him," I tried.

Steve only shook his head with a smile. "What did he do?"

I hesitated, eyes piercing through my brother. He slunk back in fear. "He told me that I can't sing."

"You can't," Harrington agreed, and I turned to him, offended.

He clearly didn't expect my change of attack as I ripped my wrist from his grip, hitting the side of his arm with the book instead.

Steve moved to shield himself, laughing through my feeble attack as he tried to stop me, grabbing at the book that I hit him with.

"What did my boyfriend do to warrant an execution?" Nancy asked, approaching my other side, Jonathon at her side.

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