Chapter 9

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 I've spent some time in the kitchen with them. When I looked at the time it was almost three o'clock. I excused myself and went out to look for Creed. I looked everywhere but I could not find him. Thinking for a minute wondering where he could have gone without telling me. The basement! Yes I made my way to the stairs leading down to the basement and opened the door. No one was in here. Being the stubborn person I am, I decided to snoop around. I mean I need to find more information on how to find my sister. I peaked at the map that was laid out on the table. There laid the perimeter of the camp. Matter of fact, multiple camps within kilometers from each other. So there's more of them spread around? Where were they when they attacked this camp? I kept looking at the map to see a part of it with a big x on it. What does that mean? Is that where Malakhi is hiding? Is this where my sister is being held? I went over to the desk looking around. There were pictures scattered around the table. Pictures of different Jagers and locations.

 " What are you doing? ", I let out a gasp holding my chest and looking up to see Creed standing there with a scowl on his face. 

" What is this? ", I retorted back. 

" That is nothing that concerns you ", he snapped at me, snatching the picture I had in my hand and putting it away in the folder. 

" It does concern me when my sister was fucking kidnapped by some deranged power hungry Jager ", I said angrily. 

He looked at me and frowned, " It doesn't give you the right to go through people's things ", he growled. 

" Are fucking kidding me Creed? ". 

I was livid he was acting like he doesn't care at all. 

" Leave it Nova! ", he yelled out. 

" Fine!! You won't help find my sister!! I will do it myself ", I gritted out, making my way towards the door. 

'' Nova... Nova listen, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you ", he came after me grabbing my arm to stop me from leaving, turning me around to face him. 

" I promised you I will help you get your sister back okay, just give me time to plan this right. If she was in fact taken by Malakhi, we need to plan it right. This is not child's play. He is very dangerous ", he said, sighing. 

I looked at him and finally nodded. 

" But why would Malakhi take my sister? Or is it a coincidence? ", I was so confused. 

He seemed to stop and think for a minute. He then froze and looked at me with widened eyes, " Lark ", he whispered. 

" What? What about Lark? ", my heart skipped a beat. 

" Malakhi must either be watching the camp or... ", He stopped talking. 

" Or what Creed? ".

 " Or we have a traitor in the camp ", he finished making me freeze up. 

Oh God, that would mean he knows everything. He knew Lark was here. He knew Creed let Lark out again. He knows I'm here and the worst part is that he might already know I have the pendent. Which gives him a reason for wanting to take Nyx, because somehow he found out she's my sister. At that exact moment I bent over and emptied my stomach. I felt Creed behind me holding my hair up and rubbing my back. I leaned back and took a seat nearby. Creed came back with a hand towel and handed it to me. 

" Creed, what are we going to do? ", I asked, shaking a bit. 

" I'll handle it, Nova ".

 " Oh God Creed!! What happened to Lark and the rest of them? We got to find them! ", I panicked standing up. 

Til the end with youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora