Chapter 7

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Two more weeks had passed since the first DA meeting. Harry had earned another insufferable detention from Umbridge for not paying in class the following week for not paying attention to the reading class of DADA she was conducting. It was scheduled exactly at the time of  his practice for Quidditch in Sunday and Saturday. The first match of Quidditch was eventually nearing.

Great Hall,Sunday Morning(a week after the first meeting of DADA)

'Harry! Why in the name of Merlin do you keep earning detentions? Why you like it so much?!', Angelina was making a racket.

'I don't like it surely,Angelina!', Harry replied. It wasn't easy for him.

'You do! It wasn't easy to get the permission of her to reform the team!!'

'Can't we reschedule the practice?'

'NO!', Angelina snapped.
She stormed away.

Harry sat down as he glanced Malfoy and his cronies whispering things to each other and cackling loudly.

'Mate! If you don't...',Ron started.

'Don't even think of it Ron, it's your nerves. I am telling you since Day 1!'

'Harry.', a voice said from behind.
Ginny sat down beside Hermione on the other side of the table.
'Harry. Don't worry. Angelina's the captain. All the responsibilities and everything are raging her. You are the best seeker.',her warm voice said.

She smelled so good, Harry thought. That fragrance which always came from her red hair,that same one. It was ethereal. He looked up at her as if in a trance. She was smiling to him forking her breakfast in her hands. Her words were so consoling.

'Bloody Hell! Harry!',Ron said suddenly.
He jumped slightly in his seat and looked down at his food nodding.

He was blushing. He could feel his cheeks getting hot. Why on earth was there no spell to prevent blushing?
It all was so awkward.

'What is going on guys?', Hermione cleared her throat and said. She had a unusual smirk on her face. Harry looked up. Ron still had his eyebrows raised at Harry and Ginny. Ginny had a light smile on her face with red cheeks. She was eating.

'What do you mean, Hermione?',Harry asked.

'The Quidditch match of course! All three of you are on the team!',she replied.

'I have attended the least practices to be honest.',Harry sighed and said.
His eyes momentarily went to see Ginny's reaction and shifted back to his breakfast.

'But you still the best experienced player among us three!',Ron said, he took with a sigh.
'Ginny?',he said.

'Chaser is my dream-',Ginny said entering the conversation.

'I want to know what you have done to my sister,Harry.', Ron said again turning towards Harry.

'What the hell Ron!',Ginny snapped.

'I have eyes too.'

'Ronald! I think they are perfectly fine. Leave it. You are attracting faces from the other side.'

The rest of the breakfast passed quietly with Ron glancing at Harry and Ginny every few minutes as if they were disguised death eaters and Hermione discussing about news of Daily Prophet.

Ginny's POV:
After the breakfast, a suspicious Ron and Hermione along with me headed towards the common room together. Harry parted ways as he went towards Umbridge's office. I wanted to go with him. It felt physically painful to leave him to Umbridge's torment alone. People who suffered Umbridge's detentions knew what she did in the name of detentions. Cutting people's hands..I felt sick. I wanted to hug Harry so bad and take him back to our warm common room. But if we did so, it would double Ron's suspicions. And Harry never said it. It was just signs afterall. Maybe these were his friendly gestures and I have been overthinking.
The sun was warm today. Harry would miss his Quidditch practice today. How he looked at me in the morning! That gaze is still ruling my mind. It was difficult to forget.
Harry took the other stairs. I gave him a smile which he returned back. Ahh!I melted. We took the other staircase leading towards the Fat Lady.

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