Chapter 8

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The practice friendly had ended. Hermione squealed in Harry's ear, 'Harry!'

'Ouch Hermione!My eardrum exists!'

She laughed and said,'Take up the courage and ask! Today's the day! She will be in the changing room!'

Harry nodded.

'Don't bump over on Ron, that's all!',Hermione exclaimed again.

'Hermione I know!', Harry replied.
'What do you say..?',he asked all of a sudden getting down the rows.

'I have to say that Harry?Seriously! You boys are really... really oblivious!',she rolled her eyes.
Harry walked across the field towards the changing room. It was a hard and exciting walk. The worst that can happen is she would find him crazy like everyone else and reject him. Harry knew Ginny fancied him when she was young but now, it was a question. And even if she didn't, would she date him?

Harry's POV:

My hands were all getting sweaty. The cut on my skin felt so bad. The pain was piercing. Hermione said she would cure it but there's this task I wanted to do..I resolved to do,today itself. I didn't want to delay it.
As I reached the changing room, I felt my heart pounding against my ribs. I didn't know what fear was speeding inside my veins in huge but it was surely related to this confession and proposal,or whatever it is called. I took a deep breath. The breeze flew past me as I stood for a moment gathering my thoughts. Wasn't this all of a sudden?
Wasn't this out of nowhere? It felt sheepish. What would she call me? Some sort of crazy or stupid? Or she wouldn't. I shoved my hands into my pockets and walked in through the door.

Angelina and Ginny were talking to each other about something. Ron was gulping down water from a bottle as usual.
The heads turned towards me.
'Harry?',Angelina enquired.

'My detention is over.',I simply said. I didn't want all these other thoughts to get on me. Quidditch is my love, but at the moment Ginny felt something greater than that. I could smell her flowery perfume scent as soon as I entered. I went light-headed. Whenever she was in proximity, it was difficult to think straight.

'Great. Well,then the practice is over. Next is on Wednesday evening.', she said.

I sat down in the makeshift couch. I gathered my thoughts once again. It was like giving a speech but why make it so hard! If only Hermione had said what to say. In other days, talking with Ginny felt as easy as breathing. Today a knot was tied in my throat. Plus, that smell of her made it hard to think straight. Funnily it was as if a bludger hit me on the head.

Ginny flipped her long red hair as she put in her quidditch things in a bag. It was unreal. I had a sudden urge to round my fingers around the ringlet hair near her forehead.
Voldemort left, death eaters left, Hogwarts left, everyone others in the room left and it felt it was only us. I don't know it there ever will be an us in between my messy life but I wanted her all to me, for myself.
Angelina told us things about the next practice and plannings for the matches and left. Katie also left with her.
Ron and Ginny got up.
No,she needs to stay!
I need some excuse, only if and suddenly a thought popped into my mind-

'Ron! Hermione said she wants to correct your Transfiguration homework. You better hurry up!'

'She did?',he looked at me amused.

I nodded wishing I could confund him. Sometimes, he was so stubborn it felt annoying.

'Yes! And I need to go the library!',I said making up another excuse.

'Lets walk together?',Ginny said.

'I am going guys!',Ron said.
Huh? What did just happen?I convinced Ron this easily? Well, that's good. I smiled to myself and looked at the pale sky.

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