"Complicated 2"

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Placing his bag on the chair, he claimed,

"How have you been"?
He asked,

She replied,

"It's been a long weekend",

She continued the replies, not interested,

"Your grandmother?"
He asked trying to form a conversation in between them,

She was not interested and it was obvious,
No matter how much he would try, he still wouldn't get her attention,

The both were seat mates, she hated this idea of sitting with him but he loved it, his personality was clear, he wasn't scared to express realms of his heart, on the other hand she was the hardest to impress, he wondered if she's even interested in men,
Her actions and behavior made it hard to protect her,
All her kindness started and ended with female species,



"Are you interested in women?"

He snapped, out of the blue

'The fuvk bro?"

He knew he'd messed up,

"No, i mean-"


That was all she said,
And he knew it was his time to shut up, he didn't dared to speak to her again for the next few classes,
He wasn't able to concentrate,

So foolish of me, who would ask someone such a question,?
Specifically when they are a crush?

His comfortability level with her was dangerously low,
He was scared if she even would talk to him, which he knew she wouldn't,
But to his surprise, she did.

"What made you think that i was interested in same gender?"

She asked, calm

"No it's like, he paused,


" You don't have to be so nervous around me",

Her this side was unusual,

His brain hinted an upcoming danger,

"I thought you were, because,
You're kind, courageous and much more but, that's all limited to the same gender",

He expressed,

"I just never learned to keep hopes high,
I feel like keeping them hurts,a  rejection is much better",

She was direct and clear with her words, but he was aware of what comes next,

"I'm aware of what you think about me, infact the whole campus is,
I can not stay quiet and build your hopes, this is better for both of us,

"Why would you say that?"

He expressed his dissatisfaction
Upon hearing her,

She sighed before opening up,
She wasn't a bad or evil character,
She can not leave something hanging in the mid, specially without the declaration of the reason behind,

"A man like you, she paused,

"I'm created for someone similar to me"

" I don't think our personalities would cope along, or stay simple, I don't deserve you",

She stated, her every word was confusing him,

Why would she say that?
Why does she thinks bad of her self?
Various questions arose across his mind,

"You deserve someone who can understand you, respect you, treasure you, someone who is capable of understanding the real you,
Someone who looks forward to your way",

"You can be that someone",
He said, not giving up,

"I couldn't even be nice to myself, how can i be to you"?

"I've spent i tiring life till now, i expect complications ahead please don't look forward to my way, i might not be able to make you feel appreciated",

She was so mature, he thought.
Compared to someone same as her age, this was the best side of teenage he'd ever seen,

" I wish you a happy life with someone capable of appreciating you",

"Thanks", he smiled,
He couldn't say anything further, or Maybe he had nothing to say,
He knew he couldn't have her,

"I wish the same thing for you",

"Thanks", she smiled back,

That was the first time, she smiled at him,

"At least i got to see it",

Even at the moment he couldn't help but appreciate her maturity,
The way she handled him, and made him feel like she's the problem and there is nothing wrong with him or in him. That might be the best rejection he'd ever heard of witnessed,


She looked up to him, as a response,

"You know what?"
"You might disagree but you really deserve happiness, appreciation, applause for being you",

He expressed his thoughts,

"I don't know what it is, or whatever it is, it wasn't nice to you, now you have to learn being nicer to yourself",

"You think?"


"I'll keep that in mind",

She smiled light, presenting her smile as an expensive limited edition gift for the person opposite to her, like she knew he was craving it,

He thought, " i wonder what she has gone through",

"I take my leave then", she said, returning to her destination,
While he stood there, gazing her as she walks away,

This might be the last time he talks to her, and this irritated him to the core,

"Why can't we have them",?
"Why is it really hard"?
He asked these, to no one but himself,

They say, you let them go if you love them, but is it fair? Love them so bad, only to leave them?

But the moon isn't the moon if you have it, appreciating someone's beauty from far away, makes love look luxury,

His thoughts were battling, asking and answering themselves, he was wondering, who's the man she's destined to be with,

"oh To be him"!
I would battle the world if have to, please, say once"

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