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Take care;
Saying goodbye to her Best friend, she changed her route,
She smiled,
Hyzle: i worry when life goes smooth,
Saying to herself she fastened her footsteps,

Out side of an hospital, there she stands, she was hoping for the best, specifically when life is at it's best, what if it indicates an horror?
Asking herself she opened a door, leading to a room,
How's she?
She asked,
She was good yesterday,
Replies the women who was obviously a nurse,
What do you mean yesterday?
Asked hyzle, brows knitted,
Genuinely concerned.
She had trouble breathing, kinda quick response.
Are you even caring for her enough?
Her voice was stern, like she is pissed.
Obviously I am, i told you she was all good yesterday but sudden incident,
The nurse followed the women to the bed, where the patient lies,
There were silent moments, until she admired the women lying,

I love you:

A sudden confession? More like a sudden reminder, she tells this every time she visits here,
Thought the nurse,

Leave me alone with her,

She directed, without glancing,
Sure, replied the women standing beside,

She sighed, with a sound of doors lock,

You know I'm alone, right? She asked.

Alone and tired? a low painful voice

She indeed was tired, her voice was slow, but clear, not just in words but in pain, loneliness, tiredness,

I have no one right?
Only you,

She declared,

I beg you to not, she paused
Pain me anymore,

Arrived at her destination, a drop Dead silent house,

Dropped her bag on the couch,
And sat on the same one,

I knew I was gonna be down,
I guess happiness just doesn't suits me,
She talked to herself, breaking the silence curse of the apartment,

She sighed heavily and walked to her room,
Everything was same for her, nothing changes, she failed to experience what she wanted to, " Better teenage",
"I'm gonna be 19 soon",
Is it fair?
Expressing that disappointed through her facial expressions and voice,
She leaned into the bed, tired.
She thought last about her grand mother, before dozing off,

Holding her bag, she walked with her head up, no one could tell she's stressed about something, at least not by glancing her face, she was a well known student, but she hated the reason,

"Why don't you just ask your grandma about them?"
"What would go so wrong"?

I'm not sure, i just feel like she worries about them a lot, or maybe knows something i don't,
"I just don't want her condition to grow worst, so I'll let it be like it is,".
She replied, careful with expressing. her real state of mind about this topic,

She suddenly felt like she was pinched,
"The hell! Women what's wrong?"
She hissed, while being furious at her mate,

"Over there;"

"Over where?"

She moved her head, her eyes searching for something familiar her friend got excited over,

She expressed,

"I told you already", she said unwillingly,

"But he's interested in you,"

"I'm not",

"He's handsome, responsible, rich"
" He's a standard"

"I can't force myself onto liking someone, specially when i know they are interested",

"Why can't you"?

"It's just how I am"

"Not everything has to be complicated hyzle",

"I'm not asking for complications ",

"The what are you asking for"?

"At least it should be exciting",

"Hyzle, love is always exciting, but what you want is not an exciting love, but a complicated one, these things only seem enchanting in fiction, not reality",

She denied, without even trying to understand her words,
Surely, it's hyzle's mindset, and obviously no one can change it,

"I hope you experience it",
She prayed, jokingly,

"I wish", she replied,

Maybe it was the hour of acceptance,
They should have been careful,

" I Hope",

" I wish",

Nothing just a dream come true,

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