Toji Headcanon

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Toji Headcanon:

Toji squints his eyes while he types with one finger pressing the letters slowly at his keyboard.

His fonts are super big, has a maxed out brightness on his phone, and has light mode on his chat background, until Shiu changed it to dark mode because light mode was too bright for him. (Shiu)

Toji was kinda thankful to Shiu for changing it too, because it was too bright for him whenever he opens it at night.

The only contact he has is probably Shiu, if he had other contacts he won't have names on his contacts. He'd just ask the person on the other end on who the fuck they are.

He hates call center agents advertising to him through phone. He'd immediately end the call without hesitation.

His phone is definitely empty, he doesn't know how to use it, he doesn't have pictures.

If he ever did have pictures, it would've been stolen shots of him accidentally pressing the wrong things at the wrong time.

He uses his phone definitely strictly for business only.

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