Meeting Toji

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Meeting Toji

When you met Toji, you were shocked to see him being so tall and unwavering.

He had this cold aura around him as he got in the bar looking around the place, as he saw you. You looked like a person who was lost.

As you felt his cold stare you moved your head to find it and you looked at him.

When he saw you he said 'Bingo'

He approached you and asked.

"Is this seat taken?" as you shook your head he sat down beside you as he ordered something to drink.

You were dragged by your 'friends' to drink since you normally shut yourself inside your house, And you agreed because they were right, It was time to loosen up a bit even if it's just once a month.

Your 'friends' had told you they were coming in a bit late but they were going in to be there.

They weren't really your friends, they were more like colleagues at work.

You weren't the one who likes to socialize so you don't really have much that friends.

Toji started drinking while you minded your own business waiting for you friends whil scrolling through your phone.

As a message popped out of your screen that was sent by your friends.

'Hey girlie, something important came up we have to go, can we reschedule our little outing? We're really sorry.'

You sighed as you replied.

'No worries, Take care.'

You were already in the bar, waiting for them and they just cancelled.

'I knew I shouldn't have left home.'

You still sat in the bar as you tried to order something that doesn't get you drunk.

As you sighing to yourself Toji was on his 8th drink still minding his own business.

Your ordered had arrived and you proceeded to drink it slowly as you just scrolled through social media in your phone.

Time passes and you were almost done with your drink.

As you looked at the time.

"Sir, you can't order anything else without paying, giving me a credit card or sending me a wire, you haven't paid since you came in." The bartender said angrily.

You looked to them as you were interested in the conversation that was happening. The tall man beside you, only inches away reached out to his pocket, and he doesn't seem to have it.

You sighed and took your wallet out and paid for his drinks.

"It's on me." You said as he looks to you and smirks. "I appreciate it."

"You're welcome." the bartender took the money and left you two alone.

Toji had done this many times already it helps him get by.

"What ever can I do to repay you?" He jokingly says as he raises his drink as he chugs it down his throat.

You giggled, "it's totally fine."

"The name's Y/N" You introduced yourself.

"Toji." He replied as you also raised your drink as you drank your glass empty.

"Well Toji it was nice meeting you, I'll be going now." You smiled as you walked out of the bar.

Toji sat down in place. He was stunned at the  fact that you didn't notice him trying to hit on you.

He sighed as his plan failed. And tried to look for another target.

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