The Gold Digger - Brooke

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I watch as my new stepmother, Nadia Miller, brings the last box of her stuff into the house with my dad. I frown from where I sit on the staircase. She shouldn't be here. I look her up and down, she's nothing like my mother. Even though I haven't seen my mother in six years, I know she wouldn't approve of my dad marrying this pitiful woman.

Nadia's short blonde curls are tied up in a loose messy bun, her brow shiny with sweat from unpacking the few boxes she brought with her. I should feel bad for her, she doesn't own much and yet now, because of my dad, she doesn't need anything else. Suddenly her blue eyes look up to where I'm sitting and I stop frowning and force a smile on my face.

"Need any help?" I call to her.

"Thank you, Brooke, but we're all good." She turns to look at my dad and smiles. He smiles back and they walk towards the staircase with the last box and head to my dads room. Their room now.

I am so focused on them that I jump when I hear my stepbrother swing open the door. He walks in like he owns the place - which I guess it's now his too - and walks past me, brushing his blonde waves out of his face.

"Brooke, help me unpack." Luke says, nudging my shoulder.

I stand up and walk down the stairs, saying the first excuse that comes to mind. "Actually I was just about to go make lunch."

"Please, it won't take long."

If he wasn't my stepbrother and wasn't related to Nadia, I would probably like him. He's handsome, charming, and had seemed nice at the wedding. But I don't want him anywhere near me. "Busy."

Luke frowns before shrugging it off. "Ok."

At that, I turn and head to the kitchen, reaching into the cupboards and rummaging through them. I begin to throw a salad together and block out the laughter I hear coming from my dad's room. I hate her.

Don't get me wrong, my dad deserves to be happy. He's always been a hardworking lawyer who always made time for me and my mom. My mother died of cancer when I was eleven and since then he made himself busy with work. Until he met Nadia that is. He only knew Nadia for five months before announcing that they were getting married. Nadia wanted the wedding day on July 20th but my dad said it could be on the 30th instead. My mother died six years ago on the 21st. Now it's August 10th and all I can think about is how Nadia isn't, and never will be, good enough for my dad.

I finish my salad and head upstairs to my room. I'm glad I don't have to pass my dad's room, which is all the way down the other end of the hall. I do have to pass Luke's new room though. I walk quickly past but then notice the door is shut. I think about it before deciding to help him finish unpacking. Maybe I should get to know him, I will be living with him until one of us can move out after all and even though he's 18, if he's anything like his mother he won't be able to for a long time.

I debate about helping him in my head for a bit but then decide that I should. I go to knock but then remind myself that it wasn't his room yesterday. I open the door and walk in.

Luke is on his bed, bottom half naked, humping a pillow, fingers digging into the sheets. I freeze, shocked that I walked in on him like this. He looks just as shocked and throws the side of the bed comforter over himself. I can tell he's still very hard underneath the covers.

"What are you doing?" He shouts rolling onto his side.

"I'm...sorry...I was just going you unpack..." I then look around the room, noticing there are still some things to put away.

"Don't you knock?"

I understand why he's mad and all I can say is "sorry..."

I then clear my voice and cross my arms. "Want help though? Unpacking that is..." I nearly cringe.

Luke is silent for a moment before agreeing. "Sure, but give me a moment."

I nod and walk out of the room for a moment, shutting the door behind me. I can hear my dad still in his room further down the hall with Nadia. I listen against Luke's door before figuring he had enough time to adjust himself.

I walk back in and sure enough he's fully dressed now, the covers on the bed back to how they were. The pillow is turned over and back by the bed frame. I look at the middle of his jeans to see there is still a bulge though. Then I look away, embarrassed that I looked in the first place. Luke doesn't seem to notice and begins to go through boxes.

I begin to help and about 30 minutes later we're done.

"Thanks for the help." Luke smiles and then sits back on his bed. "What do you want to do until our parents get back?"

I raise my eyebrows, realizing that he wants to hang out still.  "I'm not sure...we could watch a movie?"

Luke shrugs "ok."

We head downstairs and I turn on Netflix. When we do find a movie we sit down on the couch together. I shift away a bit, feeling like I might be too close to him. Luke doesn't seem to notice the shift away.

Once the movie ends though, he turns to me. "Brooke..."

I look over, "yeah?"

He grabs my waist and slides me toward him, kissing me. I freeze.

I think I would like Luke if it weren't for one thing...he's my stepbrother!


Thank you for reading! If you don't like it then leave, more graphic scenes (like the one near the start) will be soon💕

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