part eleven

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                              " It's slave labour."

(In this fic Sister Michaels first name is George 🫶😋)

George was sure to wake her daughter up earlier than the usual 6am. Esme was up and dressed by 6:30. Even though she had to be at Fionula's at 10:00am. She was knackered. Her whole body ached. And she just wanted to be at home, in bed. Her mother drove her to the fish and chips shop.

When arrived, she met up with the girls. And they walked into the familiar place.

"So not only are we not going to Paris, we're spending our Sunday scrubbing Fionula's fucking fish hole for free." Michelle reminds the group.

"Aye, and she'll be back from Eucharist soon, so get a shift on." Erin says.

"It's slave labour Erin!" Esme angrily says. Rubbing her temples. James looks down at the shorter girl "You okay?" "Yeah, just.. tired."

"It's worse than slave labour we're not even getting paid." Orla says.

She walked up to the counter and looked at Orla, who as always, had some gummy bears in her pocket. She passed it over to Esme. "Thanks love." Orla smiled happily back to her.

"Look, Mammy had to cut some sort of deal."

"Would living without fried food really be so bad?" James asks sincerely.

"Yes!" The girls all say in sync.

"She wouldn't have banned us. She was bluffing."
"She's not bluffing, Michelle."
"Didn't she ban the McGuigan twins?" Esme asks.
"Sure, that's why they lost all the weight."

Michelle huffed. "Right, girls. No dicking about."

Michelle stands on top of the counter. "We need to leave this place fucking spotless!"

The group begin to spread out around the shop. Esme cleans the tiles on the floor, and notices that the smell of the Windowlene is.. odd. She ignores it and continues to wash.

Erin speaks "It's.. still sticky. How? How is it still sticky?" "Is it worse than when we started?" Esme anxiously asks. "I think it might be yeah." Clare replies. "Great." "Oh, i see." James begins, "Yeah this isn't WindowLene." He takes a smell of it before confirming "This is Mayonnaise."

Erin goes crazy and starts shouting. But then loud music erupts from upstairs, causing the girls and James to run upstairs.

When they go upstairs and into Fionula's bedroom, they see a dancing Michelle, who is drinking alcohol. "Alright?" Michelle asks happily. Orla starts dancing to the music, to which Esme stops her. Erin goes over to the recorder and presses 'STOP'.

"Where'd you get all this?"
"Fionula's cupboard. I think she might have a bit of a problem." Michelle half jokes.
The group argued for a moment. Esme begins to feel that familiar zoning out feeling. She sits down the sofa, which causes James to look at her.

All of a sudden, her attention is drawn to the flames in front of her.  Immediately, James walks over and takes Esme's hands, walking her so he's in front of her. He then runs out and gets a fire extinguisher and takes out the fire.

She couldn't lie, James looked hot as fuck.

After getting caught by Fionula, Esme sat in her bedroom, grounded.

With a slice of pizza on a plate.

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