"hello mr maguire"

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(partly written by myself!! mentions of og script)

it was after school.

esme was enjoying being in her bedroom. she had a bowl of dried mango next to her. she was wearing white knee high socks, white shorts, and a pink tank top. the girl was most relaxed in her room. "dreams" by the cranberries was playing on her radio. and her eyes began to feel heavy.

just as she was about to fall asleep, the phone in her bedroom begins ringing. it's startled her awake, and she groans. she gets herself up and answers the phone.

"hello this is esme?"
"come to the chippy" she hears michelle saying
"no i'm too tired" esme bluntly says
the line goes silent for a moment.
"james is coming" michelle almost chokes out

that made esme very happy, well because, james was her friend.

"fine. i'll be there. for james and you."
the line went dead and esme whispered "bitch" to herself. she decided to chuck on some old shoes. her mam wouldn't be back until 9:00, as she was grading paper.

esme walked out of her house, the cold air of Derry caused goosebumps to rise on her knees. the girl began to feel slightly worried. she didn't like walking by herself at all. it was dark. the walk to the chip shop was only 5 minutes, she would be fine.

she walked past a group of teenage boys, all who whistled and called her 'hot'. she felt uncomfortable and she walked further down the road. finally, she got to the chip shop. feeling slightly startled. when she got to the fish & chip shop, james was screaming.


esme's eyes widened at him. "the fuck?"

"get him out of here!"

esme just ordered a fish cake. as the girls were talking, esme slipped away and out to see where james was. he was sat by himself, on a small bench next to the shop door.

"hi" she says quietly
the boy looks defeated "hi."

"that was crazy, you're screaming fit."
"it wasn't a fit." he says bluntly.

she feels weird. "so you don't like fast food?"
"no, not really."
"ach, that's crazy."
the boy gives her a look.
"but, that's okay. everyone's different."

comfortable but slightly not comfortable silence was shared between the two. it was cold. the girl hadn't brought a jacket. james noticed how she shivered under the breeze.

"do you want my jacket? just because.. it's cold." he asked. feeling so nervous that he would get rejected.

"are you sure?" she says, not a smile on her face, more a eager look.

"yeah". with that he takes of his jacket quickly and puts it over the girls shoulders. james being well, james's height, his jacket was like a blanket to her. his jacket smelt like a warm candle. comforting.

she looked to the side of her, james' arms. big, strong, fucking hell—

the girls walk out of the shop. and almost on instinct, esme pulls the jacket away from her and stands up.

"you coming to mine or what?" michelle asks in a rude tone, but meant in a nice way.

"happily." esme smiles.

as the girls talked about what boys they want to shag. michelle asks a question. "would you rather fuck marry kill.... david, james or mr McCool from science."

esme laughed loudly. a laugh james could hear from his bedroom. a laugh that meant so much to him. though he would never admit that.

"fuck david, kill Mr McCool, and marry james. and you can't say that's unreasonable because david's my ex."

michelle looks intensely at esme before saying "that's fair. but don't date james, that's weird. i know how he looks at you, it's creepy. like a stalker."

"i agree." she laughs.
she lies.

"do you want some?" michelle points to the shot in her hand. "no i'm good thanks love."

she shrugs and downs two shots in a row. screaming about how she's 'amazing'. after about five shots, esme gets bored and has a shot herself.

michelle laughs and they have about four more shots between the two of them before deciding they are bored. "what should we do?" esme asks. "let's get these fucking jobs!" michelle shouts. "how we can't even get there with a car?"
"No shit Sherlock. But, we have, legs." She points down to the legs they both have.

"Let's go."

The two walk down to the fish & chips shop, the effect of alcohol starting to affect them as they get into the entrance. When the server turns around to go out the back at smoke, the girls grab the board and run out.

They get back home and start screaming, jumping up and down and just being stupid. James walks into the room "Boo!!" Michelle says. "Hello mr maguire." Esme says. James can obviously tell the two are a bit tipsy. And when he looks at the sign in the bedroom, he sighs loudly.

"Im gonna call Clare."

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