chapter ten

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                          "Pizzas not as nice."

Esme was sat in Erin's bedroom. Orla, Clare, Michelle & James were there too. Esme was sat directly next to James. The group were about to discuss which jobs they should take.

"Firstly, we have the tutoring. And out of everyone, I thought you might be best suited to that, Clare, Because—"

"I'm the brightest." Clare states. Esme nods her head.

"Well, in that conventional sort of way, i suppose. There's also some babysitting. The child will be in bed so you should just about be able to manage that, Michelle."

"Oh thank you." Michelle says sarcastically. "You should just be able to manage this." She says as she sticks her middle finger up at Erin.

"Always the lady." Esme says quietly, but loud enough for James to hear which causes him to crack a smile.

"There's also some gardening, mowing a lawn et cetera. This will require a bit of muscle, so.. You should take that one Orla."

"No, i should do that one. It's a man's job, Erin. I'm a man." James whines.

"That's debatable" Michelle says.

"Well I'm more of a man than Orla. Back me up, Esme."

"I don't not accept that!" Orla says.

"Ach, I would James, but i swear I've seen Orla lift up a car once." She teases

"Come on Erin." James sighs.

"Fine." Erin rolls her eyes, "so that leaves dog-walking and washing a car."

"Is it a Renault Clio?"
"I'll take the dogs."

"Fucks sake I hate cars. Orla I backed you up!" Esme sulked.

"Sorry." Orla mumbles.

"Okay. Let's go to work."

The group walk of the house proudly.
"You thieving wee fuckers!"  Fionula shouted as her van driver passed the group.

"Shit." Esme says.

The group sat in Erin's house. Sister Michael was there too. Wearing her judo uniform as she sighed deeply, giving evil eyes to Esme. The room was deadly quiet.

"How did she find out?" Esme had to break to the silence.

"It doesn't matter now she found out, Esme, that's not what's important. What important is that we all are deeply—"

"Her mother rang me.". Fionula spoke.

"You told your ma?" Erin groaned.

"Okay, i cracked. I couldn't handle it, and I cracked."

"For fucks sake Clare!" Esme burst out in anger.

"That is quite enough, Esmerelda!" Her mother shouted. The room went quiet.

"Where do we go from here?" Mary asked with her hands on her hips.

"Mary, look... you're family, well you're good people, well you're decent people. But i have to set an example."

"No, Dear god no you're not talking about a ban?" Mary worried.

Esme saw as the boy next to her whispered a small "Yes!" She just couldn't help but giggle at him. He smiled back at her. This sparked some uncomfortable feelings in Sister Micheal. What was the wee English fella laughing with Esme for?

"Let's call it a suspension. I'm sorry, Mary."

Mary looked shocked. Sarah then attempted to get Fionula's attention by saying she was going to interview Colm.

"Save your breath, Sarah. They'll be no free chips.  There'll be no chips full stop." Mary said.

"Excuse me?" Replied a 'confused' Sarah.

"What do you expect me to do on a Friday Fionula? Cook? You expect me to cook?"

"You could order a pizza." Fionula shrugged.

"Pizzas not at nice." Esme says sadly.

"You're right, Esmerelda. Pizza is not as nice. Maybe you should have all thought about that."  Her mother sternly says.

"Is there nothing we can do?" A desperate Mary asks.

A small smirk appears on Fionula's face.

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