confession ☀️🌻

Beginne am Anfang

Fourth room...

Gemini room

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Gemini room.....

-Fourth.... l'm hungry...*Gemini said coming downstairs with his right hand on his stomach

-What l'm supposed to do..we didn't brought any groceries how can l make food

-Let's go to the market then... we will buy some groceries how is it ? *Gemini said looking at fourth excited like cat looking at their owner for food*

*Fourth looked at Gemini behaviour new to it remembering the teenage Gemini fourth was staring at Gemini with pure love...and mixed confusion*

-What are you looking at fourth let's go... l'm hungry

-okay let's just get freshed and put some hood clothes is that okay we didn't change or showered aren't you tried by sitting at the flight whole day

- yeah l am tried and hungry...and moreover you smell good fot...*gemini said with innocent face and voice not knowing how the other person is feeling*

-what are you trying to say Gemini even if l smell good we need to fresh up *fourth said in shy flutter voice his ear cheeks heating up just by what Gemini said*

-fine l will go and fresh up byee *Gemini said going to his room leaving fourth who is blushing*

*After freshing up and wearing clothes*

*After freshing up and wearing clothes*

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-lets go fourth... l'm hungry *Gemini said wearing his shoes and looks at fourth a smile slowly forms*

- yeah let's go *fourth said replys holding his phone*

*At the market*

-what should we buy Gemini ? *Fourth said looking at the fresh vegetables*

*Gemini looks where fourth was looking and makes disgusting face*

- l don't want veggies l'm not a rabbit or something

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 04 ⏰

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