introduction of the characters

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Gemini norawit

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Gemini norawit

A really well known lawyer know for his talks and being handsome ❄️

Behaviour: being handsomely werid, possesive, gets jealous really quickly, loves hugs, don't know how expresse his feelings,the reason people think he is cold

Age: 24  (yes Gemini is few months older in this story who doesn't not like older dominate b------)

Only has his father, mom she suffers from some illness so she passed when Gemini was 14 year old, he had a older brother but his father said he was missing and no where to be found he was 4 year old at that time he didn't have much memory of his brother but he remembers when his brother said "l love you Gem...but l have to protect them take care"
Till that day when they found out his brother got missed in their house no one talked about  his brother whenever he try talk his father would say..Gemini he is gone don't talk about him he's monster so he never asked he 'think' his brother is dead, his father is against gay people more like hate because he was Bank Robbed by them he was supporting a company related to them, he was lawyer judge at that time which made his family suffer and because of it they couldn't pay for his wifes treatment and lost her 

Gemini he is gone don't talk about him he's monster so he never asked he 'think' his brother is dead, his father is against gay people more like hate because he was Bank Robbed by them he was supporting a company related to them, he was lawyer jud...

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Fourth nattawat

Lawyer who never lost in a case know for his intelligence and being handsomely clumsy doesn't like to lost a case no matter what how dangerous it is

Behaviour: treated like a baby in his office and also by his family and friends because of him being clumsy and cute, cheerfully a sunshine boom, sensitive,

Age: 24 (hehe 🥹)

Has both the parents but his mom divorce his dad for some reason..even tho his parents doesn't talk with eachother but fourth is close with both of them, he also had a brother but..he was involved with a criminal and runway from his house.. that's what his father said fourth was 5 at that time his father was a doctor he was well known but he retired few years before now he owns a company which is really popular

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