Chapter 23- Beullah

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Alan Walker-Tired

Ms Bella got Velar some medication before taking her leave. Back on campus she goes in search of Chelsea who used to be in charge of doorkeeping during worship last year. She was studying in the library.

" Chelsea." Ms Bella called and she looked up surprised.

" Ms Bella?...I swear I already dropped the keys to my car." She immediately rants in a hushed tone.

" That's not what I'm here to talk about." Ms Bella also dropped her voice to a whisper, " I hear you were the doorkeeper last year at the chapel."

" You're right."

" Where are the registers kept?"

" It's in the school's archives at the administration block. Would you like me to get it for you?"

" Are you allowed to?" Ms Bella asked.

" Technically no but you know we find our way around here." She says with a sly grin."

" If you can do so without getting caught I'll be very grateful."

" Ms Bella, you guys never caught us doing anything until those freshmen got here." Chelsea reminds her.

" Is that an assurance or a caution?"

" Both I guess." Chelsea says in her normal tone earning herself a look from the librarian who cleared her throat loudly to deter her.

" Kindly get it to me by tomorrow." Ms Bella whispered.

Chelsea responded with a mock salute and Ms Bella took her leave.

She met Beullah in Manhattan's boulevard. Faye and a couple of the dorm 1 freshmen passed by and Beullah called out to her only for her to hurriedly walk towards the gates and exit to her friends' surprise. The girls quickly followed her out of the house perplexed by her reaction.

Beullah sat down on the bench disappointed.

Ms Bella joined her on the bench,
" Trouble in paradise?"

She only shrugged.

" I thought you were Faye's role model. What did you do?"

" I don't want to talk about it."

" The audacity!" Ms Bella jokes, " I think I've abandoned you girls for way too long. I mean I used to be abreast with everything going on , I get busy a bit and you girls are drugging each other, kidnapping each other and even killing someone. And now you're telling me you don't want to talk about it? No missy."

" Listen, you girls are my priority in this house. Being a house mistress is more than the title, I have to be a mother to you in your parents absence. Mrs Asare tries real hard but I know you girls make her come off as too harsh and that is why I like to be docile with you all." She reasons with her, " Not telling us what exactly is going on is what has led to so many issues in this house. So spill."

" You're probably going to hate me as much as Faye does." Beullah states

" Come on, I'm not going to judge yo...I kissed Faye." She cut her off and Ms Bella does a double take to fully grasp what she just said.

" What?!"

" So much for not being judgy." Beullah sighs, " Can I leave now?"

Ms Bella nods still bewildered as Beullah got up to leave.

" Listen, listen." Ms Bella called her attention, " You're really great with Faye, seriously. You're the only senior she seemed to warm up to. I think she really likes you but not in that kind of way and that must have been spontaneous on her. When did this happen?"

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