"I told you I am baby" he reassures me, gently touching my cheek, "it's nice to have this just between us for a while. We have all the time in the world"

"Okay" I say with a small smile, leaning in for another kiss "I'll miss you, even if I haven't said it enough times"

"I'll never tire of hearing it" he replies with a soft smile "I'll miss you too"

The obnoxious beeping from outside signals that trouble has arrived, and I shake my head with a smile as I help carry Lando's bags out to Daniel's car. 

"Lottie!" Daniel greets as he winds down his window, "why dont you come in Lando's place? I've missed you"

Lando scowls at his friend as he puts his bag in the boot and I approach the window. 

"I can't drive to save my life Dan" I reply to which the Aussie nods in understanding having seen my lack of skill first hand. 

"Mate, you've managed to be annoying in less than thirty seconds!" Lando comments, but a smile tugs at his lips. He comes over to me fort another kiss, "see you soon baby, I'll text you when we get there"

"Okay, love, see you soon" I say against his lips and give him another long kiss. We both laugh as Daniel cranes his head out of the window to teas 'oooo'.

Reluctantly, I pull away, finding it hard to let go of his hand, but I manage to as he walks to the passenger side and gets in the car. 

"What are you doing while the hubby is away?" Daniel asks with a smirk, causing both of us to blush at the title, thought luckily Daniel doesn't seem to notice. 

"I'm keeping myself busy so I dont go insane without him" I reply seriously, "I'll be working on preparations for the show in July. You know, the boring stuff, stage production, lights, bla bla bla"

"Well, have fun" Daniel says genuinely and playfully slaps Lando's leg, "dont worry about this one, we'll make sure that he's not pining"

"Enjoy yourselves!" I say, tapping the car "go make me proud"

The smile that Lando gives me feels like a direct hit to my heart.



As the final practice session comes to an end, I find myself itching to get back home. While I've had the best time and am bursting with happiness in both my personal and professional life, all I want is to be back in my girls arms. 

I haven't heard much from her this morning, but I figure she must be in rehearsals and deep in creative mode. 

Zak talks us through the breakdown of the qualifying session coming up, emphasising the importance of rest and recovery and outlining his expectations until the next race. 

As Zak discusses tactics, the door suddenly opens, causing a lot of muttering and whispered words behind us. Zak shoots an unimpressed look at the disruption, clearly not wanting to be disturbed while dissecting our post practice performance. 

The distant chatter grabs Zak's attention, as he hands over to his assistant and gives us a tight smile. I turn my head back and watch him walking towards the conference room door to speak with what appears to be HR representatives. 

A weird tension mounts the room, only a minute passes before Zak speaks up again. 

"Lando, could you step outside for a moment?" his voice breaks through the quiet room, causing my heart to leap in my chest. Quickly risking from my chair, I make my way to the back of the room as the assistant takes over the presentation, diverting the teams attention. 

Dumb Love- Lando NorrisDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora