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Lando x: Hey baby, missed you so much today! On our way to the show now👀 everyone is so buzzing!

Me: i've missed you too, sorry I couldnt see you this morning.   Ive told Jenny to bring you here later so i can see you before i go on🩷

Lando x: cant wait 😘 how are you feeling?

Me: so fucking nervous... biggest crowd of my entire career and in my hometown, no pressure 🤯 plus you're there.....

Lando x: I believe in you💛💫 You're the most magnetic woman i've ever met, its like you radiate sunshine! I've NO doubt in you what so ever, so please dont doubt yourself😘

Lando POV

The stadium was alive when we made our way to the entrance.  Various photographers took pictures of the boys and I as we stood outside the famous arch.

All the boys had brought their girlfriends with them, Max and Kelly had brought Penelope because apparently she was a big fan.  I had managed to get Cisca and Flo in using the extra tickets that Lottie had given us. Everyone was buzzing and more than happy to take photos with fans who recognised us. 

"Lando?" a soft voice asks from behind me, as i turn around to see a group of young girls dressed to the nines in their Lottie inspired outfits "Could we have a picture please?"

"Of course!" I say as i smile at them, leaning in as one of them lifts her phone up for a selfie.  I smile wide with them all as they thank me again.  I can tell they're dying to ask me about mine and Lottie's situation from the way they're wording certain questions, and its making me smirk.  Before they leave they hand me a pink feather boa and friendship bracelet which said ' I-💓-LOTTIE' 

We make our way through, various fans recognising us and getting pictures and videos.  Daniel seems to be spearheading the group which makes me chuckle, dressed in his merchandise t-shirt and matching bucket hat.  

The view is insane.

We're right by the stage, with the perfect view of the tens of thousands that are gathering around the stadium and on the pitch standing. 

"You're more than welcome to stay up here the entire show, but we recommend you go to the gold circle standing for the final half of the show to dance" the show representative tells us "It's an open bar courtesy of Miss Hill" she adds as staff come out with buckets of champagne "we've had confirmation that you will all be attending the afterparty in the executive box" the boys all cheer, happy with the VIP treatment "any problems at all, please speak to any of the staff in the VIP box"

"Thank you" i say earnestly to the representative who is quickly off on a new task and talking through her earpiece.  Charles hands me a glass of champagne and we cheers. 

Daniel stands next t me and nudges my hip with her own "not a bad set up for shagging a pop star" he says slowly as i roll my eyes.

"I'm not shagging her" i admit, bringing the glass to my lips "yet" i add slyly as Daniel laughs and i sip the champagne. 

Daniel takes a few selfies of us and sends them to Lottie.

"You really are friends?!" i say trying to read the conversation over his shoulder.  I can make out my name as i reach over and point "what does that say?"

Dumb Love- Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now