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My arms are full with three different bouquets of flowers and bags of various wines, while soft drinks hang from my shaking arms, so I stupidly end up knocking on the front door with my forehead. 

It quickly opens.

"Sorry i'm late" I say with a smile to the older woman beaming at me. 

"Darling dont be daft!" Cisca says as she gathers the bags from me, "look at all this, you're spoiling us!" she opens the door further, "come in, everyone's in the livingroom"

I hand her one of the bouquets, "this is for you"

She takes them from me with an impressed look, "you didnt have to"

"Well you're cooking for me, its the least I can do" I say shyly, eyes around the various pictures donning the walls of the hallway, smiling at a young Lando.  I turn to the older woman as I take my shoes off and place them near the others, "thanks so much for the invite"

"It's the first of many" she nods towards the livingroom door, "everyone's just through there, i'll be in the kitchen"

I'm anxious as I open the door to the livingroom desperately wanting the approval of Lando's grandparents. I wore my best outfit, have my makeup flawless and hair styled to perfection, and even sprayed myself with my favourite perfume.  It just needs to be perfect. 

My jaw almost drops at the group of people staring at me, all with welcoming smiles. 

"Uh, hello" I say a little awkwardly. So much for a small dinner.

Lando shoots up off one of the sofas and hurries to greet me with a kiss on the cheek, "Hi baby"

His family laugh and smile amongst each other while Lando takes my hand and introduces me to some extended family, who are all so excited and welcoming.  I meet his cousins who he is close with, and his aunt and uncle. 

"And this is my grandma" he says finally as we approach the warm looking woman with a glint in her eye, "grandma this is Lottie"

She immediately wraps me up in a hug which I return, "so nice to finally meet you" she says as she squeezes me. 

"You too, I've heard lots about you" I say as we pull back.  I hand her the flowers, "I got these for you, I heard they are your favourites"

"Oh my" she gasps excitedly as she takes them off me, "Lando, what a diamond you've got here"

He looks at us proudly as he throws his arm around my shoulder, "I know, I'm lucky"

"That would be me actually" I debate back, my hands interlocking with his against my shoulder.  "We've talked about this" I say playfully as I arch my brow at him.

"And what a looker she is" a deep voice notes, and I hear Lando laugh under his breath. 

"Grandad!" he scolds playfully at the older man who smirks at me, "come over and meet Lottie"

I greet the cheeky man who seems full of character, and it's even funnier when it puts Lando on edge. 

"I've seen lots of pictures of you in the paper" he says as he studies me, and I cant help but be amused by him, "and I must say you're even more beautiful in real life"

"What a charmer you are, sir" I say back as I smirk at him, "I hope i'm sat with you at the table"


***   ***

"I cant believe your gradad has got me drunk!" I slur from the passenger seat of Lando's car, trying to focus my eyes on the road ahead but seeing double, "my wine glass just kept magically filling up!"

Dumb Love- Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now