Chapter 15:Desire and Defiance: A Clash of Wills

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Clarke responded with all her strength to Lexa, despite the latter trying to kiss her and touch her passionately. However, Lexa didn't easily give up, becoming more insistent in trying to pull Clarke onto the bed. The tension between them grew, palpable in the air charged with desire."Lexa, stop," Clarke whispered, even though Lexa's burning desire made her tremble inside. But Lexa persisted, her determination evident as she tried to calm Clarke and hold her still. She climbed on top of her, pinning her to the bed, and even though Clarke was tired of fighting, her will to resist remained firm."Don't try to touch me, Lexa. You have to leave," Clarke said, trying to keep her voice steady despite the tumult of emotions coursing through her. "Go back to all the other women you've slept with while I wasn't there."Clarke breathed heavily, her gaze fixed on Lexa, even though the desire to make love to her was stronger than ever."Clarke, I just want you," Lexa said with a voice full of passion, ignoring Clarke's fierce words. "Stop saying nonsense."Clarke couldn't deny the depth of her desire for Lexa, despite her anger. "You see, Lexa? You're not denying it. It means it's true, isn't it?"Lexa remained silent, her face stung by Clarke's words. "I'm not denying that you're the only woman I want, Clarke," she finally said, her voice full of sincerity.But for Clarke, it wasn't enough. "You didn't answer my question," she insisted, looking at Lexa with a gaze that mixed desire and challenge.Lexa looked at her intensely, feeling the weight of Clarke's words. "Why, Clarke? Do you have to ruin this moment?" she asked, with a hint of resentment in her voice."Lexa, your attitude only confirms the rumors about you," Clarke said firmly. "And it's not the first time. I'm tired."Tears began to slowly trickle down Clarke's cheeks as she spoke her words, but her resolve didn't falter.Facing Clarke's reaction, Lexa felt as if she had been punched in the stomach. She looked at her, trying to find the right words, but all she could hear was the frantic beating of her heart."Do you mean that if I make love to you, if I touch and kiss you everywhere, if I passionately penetrate you... you won't respond at all?" Lexa asked, trying to persuade her.Clarke nodded firmly. "I won't participate," she said firmly. "But after this, between us, it's over if you do."Lexa felt a wave of anger and pain wash over her. "Then I'll take the risk, Clarke. I want to make love to you. I desire only you," she said with a voice full of passion.Clarke looked at her, her eyes displaying a mixture of desire and sadness. "Lexa... despite my refusal, you still want me," she admitted, feeling the weight of her own words. "But if you decide to proceed... know that it will be the last time."Lexa nodded, feeling her heart constrict at the prospect of losing her. "It's a risk I'm willing to take," she said with a voice full of determination.And so, in the tension-filled silence, their gazes met, as the burning desire between them intensified, bringing them one step closer to the precipice of love and pain.

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