Chapter 12: Among the Shadows of the Commander.

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In the stone labyrinth of Polis Palace, the corridors wound like the streets of an ancient enigma, where secrets and intrigues intertwined in the folds of millennium-old walls. It was in one of these corridors that Clarke had decided to confront Lexa, the Commander of the Skaikru, whose regal presence permeated every stone of the place. Lexa walked with determined steps, but Clarke, with a sudden gesture, grabbed her and pushed her against the wall, determined to get answers to her tormenting questions. Lexa's breath deepened, her eyes looking beyond Clarke, as if scanning the depths of the horizon, but her body betrayed a palpable tension.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Clarke asked, her voice laden with conflicting emotions.

Lexa raised her gaze with a frustrated sigh, her attitude demonstrating emotional distance, as if trying to conceal inner turmoil behind a mask of indifference. "You don't need explanations," she replied with a sharp tone. "I don't like clingy women."Lexa's words hit Clarke like a punch to the stomach. Anger mixed with pain, while the injustice of being rejected in that way filled her with bitterness. "Am I clingy?" Clarke asked, her voice trembling with tension. "Wasn't what happened between us important to you?"

Lexa didn't immediately respond, her gaze dropping slightly, betraying a pang of hidden pain behind the Commander's mask. "It was important," she admitted in a low voice. "But things have changed."Clarke felt her heart tighten as Lexa spoke. It had been the first time for both of them, a moment charged with desire and meaning. But now, what seemed so intense was fading before their eyes, like sand slipping through their fingers.

The turmoil inside Lexa burned like a dark fire, fueled by hidden doubts and fears. What drove her to keep Clarke at arm's length? What burden weighed on her shoulders, bending her under the weight of unspoken secrets?Clarke could sense Lexa's inner turmoil, even behind her impenetrable mask. Suffering and anger vied for control of her soul, while the weight of her role as Commander seemed to crush her under its relentless pressure.

Perhaps it was the fear of losing everything she had built, or perhaps the looming threat of the Council of Elders that pushed her to put distance between herself and Clarke. Or perhaps there was something else, something darker and more elusive, buried in the depths of her tormented soul.But as much as Clarke tried to understand, the mystery surrounding Lexa was insurmountable. There was an abyss between them, a void that no words could fill. And yet, despite everything, the bond that united them was still intact, like a thin thread resisting the weight of time and adversity.

In the labyrinth of their hearts, Clarke and Lexa found themselves trapped between the shadows of the past and the uncertainties of the future. But as fate forced them to confront hidden truths, they both knew that their story was not yet over, that there were still secrets to be revealed and battles to be fought, together.It was as if an ancient fire had ignited within Clarke, a fierce flame fueled by anger and passion. As Lexa tried to break free from her grip, Clarke held her tighter, the desire to make her surrender burning inside her.

"What if I kiss you?" Clarke whispered, her eyes burning fixedly into Lexa's.

Lexa was overwhelmed, Clarke's words echoing in her tormented soul, but her lips were sealed by doubt and fear.

"Clarke... maybe it would be better..." Lexa tried to say, but the words died on her lips when Clarke kissed her with ferocious passion.Clarke's lips pressed against Lexa's with determination, the fiery contact between them unleashing a wild fire within both of them. There was no room for words anymore, only the burning languor of uncontrollable desire.

Clarke wanted to relive that moment of passion between them that had happened the night before, she wanted to make Lexa feel how much she desired her, how much she wanted to be with her. Their bodies entwined with primal ferocity, Clarke's hands exploring every inch of Lexa's skin, as desire grew within them like an uncontrolled fire.Clarke and Lexa's lips danced together in a sensual game, their boiling passion transforming the stone labyrinth around them into a world of pure ecstasy. Lexa moaned against Clarke's lips, pleasure surging through their fiery contact, their desire burning hot and irresistible.

As the kiss continued, Clarke felt the outside world fade away, leaving only her and Lexa, wrapped in each other's arms in a burning embrace. Nothing could break the bond between them, not even the labyrinth of secrets and intrigues surrounding them.

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