Other Alchemists

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It was a dark night within Tengu city. In a random parking lot, a truck was cut in half.

As the upper half of the truck slowly slid down to the ground, a figure was seen to be the one that cut the truck in half. The figure was a Malgam that had samurai themed characteristics such as its arm were samurai katanas, samurai armor on its body, and its face having a hilt.

(A/N: Personal Malgam so no picture)

Malgam: Hahahahaha! With this power I can beat anything and anyone!

As the Malgam was celebrating its strength, unbeknownst to it, it was being watched by the trio from before.

Girl 1: Another Malgam.

Girl 2: Man why does it have to be so late? I need my beauty sleep for tomorrow

Tablet: We have to do this Renge, it's our duties as Alchemist.

The trio were actually Alchemist students, who were on a mission to retrieve the Chemy from the Malgam.

The first girl, who was wearing the blue robes, was Kudo Rinne, the daughter of Kudo Fuga, a child prodigy. She had long black hair and was wearing a ring that had a blue arrow shaped crystal on her middle finger.

The second girl was Icho Renge, she was wearing red robes, short black hair, and the same ring Rinne had.

The guy was Sabimaru Tsuruhara, he had wild blonde hair, and was wearing the same red robes and ring as Renge. Due to his shyness, he'd usually use his AI in his tablet, known as Isaac, to talk to the others.

Renge: Fine, you guys remember the plan right?

Isaac: Of course.

Rinne: Hai senpai.

Renge: Ok mission start!


The group had emerged from their location, and begun their attack.

Rinne was up first as she ran toward the Malgam, facing the samurai-themed monster. The Malgam itself was confused by Rinne's presence.

Malgam: Huh? Who are you ?

Rinne: As from the One are all things born!

Multiple leaves began floating in the air, before they were sharpened by Rinne's alchemy. The leaves launched themselves at the Malgam.

Malgam: Nani?!

The Malgam was caught by surprise by the attack. It attempted to deflect all the leaves, however there were too many for it.

It staggered back from Rinne's attack, as it looked up.

Malgam: Why you!

It sees Rinne right in front of it, it attempted to das right at her however it felt something pulling it by its arms. It looks back to find its arms are being held back by metal rods wrapped around it.

Malgam: Nani?!

Renge: Yosha!

The Malgam looks around and finds itself surrounded, as he it findself between Ringe and Sabimaru.

Isaac: Kudo Rinne now!

Rinne: Hai!

Rinne's ring began to glow once more, as the ground underneath the Malgam began to liquify causing it to sink. After a few moments the ground solidified once more, trapping the Malgam.

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