3. The Daughter-Con

Start from the beginning

It was red, probably from me pulling it to hard.


"ELEANORRR!!" My father said as he hugged me tight.

"D-dad.. Dad.. DAD I NEED AIR!" I said which automatically made my dad stop.

"I'm sorry sweetie!" My father said.

"It's ok! Maybe one day you'll remember.." I said.

"Maybe!" My father said

"Anyway, daddy! These are my friends!" I said as I pointed to them.

"Oh! They're lovely!" My father said.

"Thank you!" Mimi said happily.

"Thanks, I guess." Ian said with a yawn.

"Thanks!" Luna said.

"Your welcome!" My father said.

"Anyway if there is nothing else interesting and I'm no longer forced, I'm leaving." Ian said as he opened the door and left.

"You forced him?" My father asked.

"Kind of.. Well he wouldn't go if I did not either way." I said slowly.

"What did you force him with?" My father asked.

"I told him I wouldn't let him sleep. He loves sleeping." I said.

"Have.. I raised A GENIUS" My father said quickly before hugging me again.

"DADDY I NEED AIR!!!" I screeched.


A while ago

Ian's POV

I sat down on my bed thinking of life.

I don't know why, I just did.

Its 10am so I don't expect anyone to come wake me u-

"Ian wake up." Mimi said as she opened my bedroom door.

"Five more minutes.." I groaned as I tried to fall back asleep.

I barely got any sleep anyway.

I only got 15 hours which is really short. (A/N: no it's not.. (ノn`*) I barely get 6.)

"Come on.. Breakfast is ready." Mimi said while dragging me out of bed.

"Ughh.. Fine." I said as I stood up grumpily.

Did she have to wake me up?

I could have slept till 3pm and no one would bat an eye.

I was forced to walk to the dining room and have breakfast.

Of course I was complaining the entire time.

Soon enough Eleanor came to the dining room.

...Did they really have to wake me up when Eleanor was sleeping?

Probably not.

"Hey guys." Eleanor said as she sat down on her chair.

"Hi, Eleanor." Luna said as she continued to argue with me.

"Hello" I said as I continued to complain.

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