Brother Sister -the soul siblings

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Subhadra started from dwaraka to hastinapur as per balaram 's order she was sent with full security on the way subhadra's thoughts

S-i know today itself hatred between the two  brother's will start I need to stop it at any cost bcz karna himself is a kind person but being with duryodhana he had do bad things which I will try not to make him repeat but how like...her thoughts were interrupted by a scream she ordered the chariot to stop and got down from it following the sound the she saw a man screaming out of anger ahe immediately went near him and spoke

S-umm y ru screaming

Man-why for u (without looking at her)

S-may be I can help

With that he turned to she her and was just struck by her beauty he said

Man-who ru

S-iam subhadra princess of dwarka

His anger was still in him but smiled at her for her concern for others though being a royal he knew if he tell her his identity she will also avoid him due to his cast from childhood he was just insulted among people when he wanted to do something learn something...s he was karna screaming out for betraying his guru by lying abt his cast to learn archery even after he successfully learned everything no one praises him or atleast try to praise him but he feels that arjun was given all the name and fame he needs to get he was confident that he was more capable than him but ...he Just remained silent without saying anything just looking at her

S-wht happened

K- ---

S- (she was innocently looking at him to respond) excuse me ru lost somewhere

she shaked his shoulder making him come out of thoughts

K- umm nothing I I just do this often to let out my emotions

S-sorry but I suggest u not to shout much it may cause u health problem

K- i I just remember somethings so to get it out of me I will scream

S-u can share it with someone to remove them from ur mind

K-i don't have any such both my parents took celibacy and retired to Himalayas as they couldn't bear all the hearing from the world for me

S-who ru

K-radhey karn

With that subhadra knew why he screamed and wht she need to do now

S- I know u I really wanted to meet u

K- u wanted to meet me u know I am a sutaputra

S- she smiled and cast doesn't fade ur achievements


S-bratha Krishna told abt u and ur achievements society may differ u bcz of ur cast but in my opinion ur like my own brother

K- With tears really ur the first one who accepted me after knowing my cast not only that u told that I like ur own brother u really don't know rajkumari how happy I am

S-but my brother call me bhadra bratha

K-s badra

S-ok now tell me y were u shouting

He explained wht he felt

S- firstly never feel u betrayed u guru bcz u had no other option left and u wanted to learn which is good until u use it for bad and abt Rajkumar arjun he may be as capable as u or less than that or more but one thing for sure he will surely accept u and u capability

K-seems like u know him very well (miscevously)

She smiled and said no bratha I never saw him also i just heard abrt him from bratha Krishna fro that one thing I can understand people who support kauravas except for them he will care for every one and iam sure he will never be jealous of u but praise u

K- really...but abt ekalavya

S-wht was his mistake in it bratha once think

K-ur right bhadra but why if he is jealous of me

S-then u have to be happy

K- means

S- if he is jealous of u then surely ur above him right

K-ur really sister of vasudev bhadra I wanted to oppose him by proving myself in everyone but I understood that it is of no use cz it will bound me with pride and I will loose myself

She smiled -ok now I have to leave for hastinapur it is getting late

He smiled and thanked her which she returned to him and left

His thoughts -thankyou god for giving me a soul sister who made stop by loosing myself

In panchal, draupadi departed to hastinapur

In hastinapur,
All princes returned to the kingdom and preparation was going on for kala pradarshan

So guys this the today's chapter

In next one arsu r going to meet so stay tuned

Jai shree ram

Om nama sivaya

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