Chapter 2

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l remember how happy my sister and l were about our birthday ,we were mostly excited about finding our mates, and the first thing l did was sneak into Alex's room to see if he was mine or not ,because he was already twenty-three and he hadn't found his mate.

I was so happy when l confirmed that l was indeed right and my best friend was my mate ,but l didn't wake him up right away after l found out as he was asleep and it was early morning and he was probably tired from his Alpha training.

I immediately called Joy to tell her the amazing news and she was just as happy for me and she suggested we hang out until the sun was up, and l could finally talk to Alex because l couldn't sleep as l was really giddy with excitement.

Before we knew it the sun had risen and l ran to the Packhouse but l thought to tell my parents before telling Alex.

I found my parents and siblings all gathered around Elizabeth or Beth as we called her. 

Tragedy had struck my sisters mate before she could even meet him and the mate bond had severed.

My sister lost her mate the day she was supposed to meet him.

No one from our pack had died that day and that only meant that he wasn't from our pack.

Amist the terrible news l couldn't bring myself to tell them that l found my mate because it seemed unfair on my sister.

I couldn't meet Alex that day because he had to leave for a Alpha's seminar since he was future Alpha and he had sent me a cute birthday message though he didn't know l was his mate and he obviously passed his sympathies for my sisters pain.

My sister tried to kill herself everyday after that and l was also antsy as l missed my mate. 

Mom and dad were getting desperate on how to help her and they promised to give her anything she wanted but nothing seemed to make her better.

As days for Alex to return were approaching and l was excited about his arrival my sister asked our parents for something.

She wanted to be Alex's chosen mate and our parents immediately agreed since Luna Mary and Alpha Gray were already looking for a chosen mate for Alex before he could take over as Alpha.

I was heartbroken that day and l decided to tell my parents the truth about my mate.

I thought that since l told my parents the truth then they would not allow this mateship to happen, but l was l wrong.

They took me to a witch who hid my scent so that Alex could not recognise me as his mate and my whole life shattered that day.

My own parents told me that l wasn't Luna material like Beth ,they told me that Alex being my mate would send Beth to the breaking point.

I watched them be happy with each other for 2 years, and everytime they slept together my whole body was in agony but still my parents watched.

I spent those 2 years as a shell of who l used to be, no one but Joy noticed and  l realised how less l meant to everyone.

My parents who were broken when my sister cried for her mate didn't even try to console me even though they knew how much l was dying from within.

My brothers who cried at my sister's door everynight didn't realise l was in pain and l needed them.

My best friend and my mate got so busy with his new mate that he didn't bother to check how l was doing. l became invisible to everyone.

My sister got her smile back while l lost mine. They saved her life while mine was being destroyed.

A lot changed in those 2 years ,l dittached myself from everyone but Joy was adamant.

I didn't talk to my parents at all.

I spoke less to my brothers and locked myself in my room.

I avoided my sister and Alex.

I did not plan on leaving but one day l had finally had enough of everything and l left.

l dont blame Alex for not paying attention to me It wasn't his fault, if anything, it was mine. I could not control what my heart felt and l should have told him the truth that early morning.

How do l face Alex after everything and how do l face my sister knowing that she is living the life that l was supposed to live.

Not every love ends happily, I guess mine is one of those.

I didn't realise l was still leaning against my apartment door until l saw Joy opening the door.

"I thought you left 2 hours ago" she said looking at me weirdly.

I guess l spent 2 hours sobbing against the door and l can't really go to work now.

I didn't have the energy to answer her and l went straight to my room in bed.

I heard my bedroom door opening and l felt my bed dip and arms wrap around me.

"I know it's selfish of me to ask you this but just come with me and see for yourself how much they need you". 

"I needed them too all those years back but they weren't there for me so why should l go back" l said.

"Because you're Emilia and you put everyone before yourself " she said and l could tell from her sniffing that she was crying as well.

"It hurts so much Joy ,l have to watch my sister with my mate ,l have had to live 7 years without my mate but seeing them together will break me " l said sobbing.

"I hate this as much as you do Emilia but l have no choice".

"How do l look him in the eye and tell him l am happy for him knowing full well that l am the one who is supposed to be by his side making him happy" l cried and l heard my best friend sniffing as well.

"I hate seeing you cry ".

"I just want to stay here and wallow in self pity" l said.

"Everything changed the day you left , everyone changed and l know why you don't wanna go back and l honestly don't want you to go ,but this isn't about us it's something bigger than all of us "she said and l immediately looked at her worriedly.

"What do you mean?".

"The Luna isn't well Emilia" she said.

"Your sister hasn't been well since the day you left ".

"What?? " I asked

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