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So, i want to dive deeper into each of them, not only flashbacks because where will the personality be then? How do you will get to care about characters you don't really know? I mean, the past is how they used to be. Not the present deal. So OF COURSE there will be flashbacks, but i'll probably will take more time to write the next chapters as i want to 'create' and get into each of their minds. Just me trying to write smth decent ;) here we go- sorry for the wait.

WARNING! Probs horrible spelling. Tell me abt any mistake and i'll fix it as soon as i can.

~ 𝒥 ~ 𝐵~ 𝐵 ~

2 pm.

Sam's phone was buzzing, but he had figured it was better not to answer. One of the kid's had taken his sister's phone and had been messing around with it, meaning he made a silent agreement in not answering.

Waiting, he had to wait for a man with a parch in the eye to want to apear, he didn't had that much time- or well now he did, but it still annoyed him.

The woman- the secretary, of one of the many 'Stark' buildings he found himself in and that had recieved him stood by the door of the office, she looked around after a few people walked by and called for him "Sam Wilson?" He looked up and she continued "Director Fury will see you now. Wing 5 level 4" he wasn't a director of anything anymore but people got used to it with time.

"Got it. Thank you."

Now that's how he had found himself walking around the corridors of the bulding- wich was new, and one the remanents of shield used, he'd been following fury around until they finally had stepped inside a room.

"Now, for what was this meeting so 'urgent'?"

"I know what i saw. What is it?"

"What's what?"

"When i went over your place. That video, those pictures showing in the many other computers, and all the information scattered across the tables. You know what i mean." Hill had left right before Sam passed by and by mistake left the door open- wich ended up leading to all the current mess.

"One: you shoudn't have seen that. Two: stay out of it."

"How are you telling me to stay out of it when someone was being t-"

"Wilson." Fury's warning tone wasn't something to go against of- at least not when his eyes screamed 'keep silent'. That had been Fury since the discovered infiltration, and all his secrets? He was always carefull- or 'paranoid' to Sam's words. Thought with the aftermath it became just worse. "You shouldn't be prying in this- But it's not recent footage."

"Fine- but whatever happens it's on you. I won't help again."

"I didn't asked you to get involved."

"But you will when things get out of control- this is why Steve doubted you, can't the oh so great director fail or ask for help can he? All i'm trying to do is help."

"I'm aware. But for the time being as i said, it's best if you stay out of it."

"Fine, as you wish. Just don't search for me later on."

Sam's mind wasn't at peace- it was absolutely freaked out and terrified even. That video- he knew he wasn't supposed to see that, but when his eyes locked on the screen he couldn't bring himself to pry them off. He couldn't

He didn't.

And he didn't knew if he should regret it or not.

~ 𝒥 ~ 𝐵~ 𝐵 ~

Bucky yawned and stirred as warm hugged him, but after just a few seconds even without shirt it got too hot- the blankets. He rubbed his eyes as he trew them away, why was he still trying to sleep on the bed? Who knew, but it annoyed him at times, the floor sometimes felt weird but the bed was worse.

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