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3,143 words.... stil shorter than what i would like but hope you enjoy.

~ 𝒥 ~ 𝐵~ 𝐵 ~

2024, Brooklyn.


Bucky sat at his table, it was the middle of the night, even though sometimes the floor left him a weird feeling- but not uncomfortable at all, the bed's still too uncomfortable to use. His chest felt tight, it was suffocating, all he wanted was to rip his heart out of his chest to somehow make it stop. Though even if it stopped, that dreadfull feeling would linger on for a good while.

He wanted a distraction, so now that's how he found himself looking at old pictures and other things that used to belong to him and Steve, agent Hill got them for him, supposedly from Sarah and Rebbeca's things, and some from Hydra's expedients and storage. A box he hadn't had the courage to open before, but now it didn't seemed a bad moment at all.

However his reasons for all this weren't out of the blue. He had a nightmare, from there the attack, but at least after it came something good. He now fully remembered that day, the day he met Steve.

~ 𝒥 ~ 𝐵~ 𝐵 ~

1931, Brooklyn

"Hey! Leave him alone!" The boy shouted as he aproached a group of kids, with one curled up on the ground groaning and stained with blood

"This isn't your deal Barnes" one of them said walking over to the brown haired boy before he got too close and slightly blocking the view

"Oh it very much is, since when do you pick up on smaller kids huh Jack?"

"As i said, not your problem" Jack answered and shrugged nonchalantly

"Also, he always runs away to mommy. He needs to learn a little lesson" other kid said chiming in and pointing a finger behing him without looking back

"And that gives you no right to beat him up, he didn't do anythin' did he?" He asked raising an eyebrow

"No but he started to tell his sermons on us of this and that and-" the second boy that had aproached said, Jack turned his head around glared at the boy, then looked back at him

"Barnes just go away, don't make a big deal of this"

"What if i do hm?"

"You don't wanna fight us Barnes" he warned annoyed

"The thing is Jack, that you don't want to fight me, i win you all for much"

"Don't be stubborn"

"Fine, fine" he said and turned around "Don't say i didn' warned ya" he said trough gritted teeth, loud enough so the others heard. Without them looking, he curled his hand into and fist and, before they could react, he turned around again and brought his hand up to succesfully land a blow directly at Jack's jaw.

"You didn't." he spat while bringing up his hand to touch the place the other boy had landed the punch, there would surely be a mark later.

"Oh i'm pretty sure i did." He said with a smirk on his face

The five boys left the one they had been previously been fighting and circled around Jack, he signaled for them to go ahead, the other boy stood firm without fear. He keept a vigilant eye on each one at all times, his stance defensive and precise. All of them started to get near, the first one that aproached went in for a quick jab at the boy, which he dodged smoothly.

A second boy to tried with a quick blow, only to pull back and go in again with kick instead. The boy once again dodged effortlessly, and followed up with a spinning back kick straight to the other boy's abdomen, knocking him down.

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