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Hey! Welcome to another mess of a story that you'll probably call book, i changed a bit the timeline so it will fit what i have planned. But i hope you'll like it because i hope i didn't read 107 articles for nothing- Author

~ 𝒥 ~ 𝐵 ~ 𝐵 ~

March 10th, Brooklyn

"Bucky!" He shouted and bend over by his friend's side

"Hey Steve" he greeted with a slight frown.

"There you are! Ma's been searching for you the whole day, she smaked my head saying i 'lost you' and almost did it again" he said glaring at his friend while trying to catch his breath

"Wait what?"

"Went like 'you lost Bucky! How can you loose a person? How could you loose BUCKY from all people!!' That's what i got thanks to you"

"That's not my fault"

"It is, this better be good, costed me a head injury"

"Don't be dramatic punk"

"I'm not" he muttered

"Yes you are- and this is important"

"What are you exactly doing here?

"New books come today, and there is this one i've been wanting for a while, they printed and gave copies of the first chapter" he shrugged "seems interesting"


"Yeah?- wait no, also a few books of the latest in astronomy and science,"

"So a book is better than your birthday party?"

"They are still important- a self gift if you will"

"Fine, but if you are not there in an hour i won't be responsible for my ma's or my actions- or anyone's for that matter"

"Okay fine"

"See you later- don't be late, again"

"It was once!"

"Yeah, once every year" steve muttered with a mocking smile

"Shut it dude!" Bucky laughted earning another laught from steve, then the couple who owned the store went to the door and opened it. They were married and in their 40's, didn't had children but Bucky soon became like their own, wich for them was enough.

"Bucky! The books i bet" the woman opened her arms and greeted him happily

"You still doubt it?" Her husband said and laughted while holding the door open

"Well you know me," he said and entered the store "you still have 'em?"

"Wich ones son?"

"The ones i had previously ordered. Please"

"Yes we have them, i'll bring them-" her husband cut her off "i'll go, you give the kid his present" he said and kissed her cheek

"You two are a dream" he beamed
dreamily at the sight

"Oh no believe me, not all that you see is true- i mean yes, we love each other, but it doesn't mean we don't fight once in a while or have any flaws, you just get to see the nice part"

"Yes but it isn't supposed to be easy is it? They say love's nothing without pain, and you bowed to the good and the bad- even if bad means he ate your cake" bucky laughted remembering one of the only times he's seen them in an argument- all for a cake slice

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