Chapter Five

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The golden dawn seeped in through the window, coloring everything in the room with warm orange light. I rolled over in bed, remembering the events of the night before. The haunting sound of the music replayed over and over again in my head, and I couldn't erase the image of Albert's crestfallen face as he looked up at me from the bottom of the stairs. Despite my anger, something deep inside of me wanted to forgive him, but my stubbornness wouldn't let me.

I stretched and yawned before stepping out of bed and padding over to the window. The sun was just coming up above the treetops, and a layer of mist hung close to the ground. Albert's yard looked peaceful in the early morning light, as if all life in the gardens had been suspended in stillness.

I had always loved this time of the morning. The day still held so much potential, and there was no telling how it would unfold. It was one of those rare moments when I felt completely at ease, almost hopeful about the future, and I drank it in happily like a warm cup of tea.

Albert had filled my closet with a few outfits to choose from, and I selected a blue sundress with a cinched waist and a flowing skirt. Like all the other items of clothing he had manifested for me, it was made of soft, high-quality material, and it fit just right. I ran a brush through my hair and washed my face before leaving the bedroom in search of breakfast.

The halls of the manor were silent and empty, and I wondered for the first time that morning where everyone had gone. They must be eating breakfast on the terrace, I thought as I padded softly on the marble floor, trying not to make too much noise in the deafeningly silent house.

"Hello?" I called out, straining my ears to hear any voices.

It was silent, and I continued down the empty hall in search of faeries. I wondered how late they had stayed up the night before, and what had happened after I stalked off to bed. This train of thought eventually brought me to the subject of Albert and Lucinda. Before I could stop myself, I found myself imagining the two of them going to bed together, and I quickly blotted out the thought, shaking my head as my eyes landed on a painting on the wall.

The painting was an abstract landscape scene filled with a variety of green and brown tones. I peered more closely at the brushstrokes and noticed several tree trunks scattered throughout the picture. Flecks of golden light, faded around the edges, flew around the trees like fireflies. It was beautiful, and I felt myself wishing I could step into the painting to explore the forest.

"Rubbish, isn't it?" A cockney voice sounded from behind me, and I flipped around to see Albert standing in the hall with his hands in his pockets. The morning light rays tickled his hair and the side of his face, and his blue eyes bored into my green ones with a curious mix of amusement and austerity.

"No, I love it," I said, turning back towards the painting to immerse myself in it again. The bright light orbs set against the dark colors of the forest were mesmerizing. "Who did it?"

"Me," Albert smiled, stepping closer by an inch or two.

"You did this?" I was surprised by his breadth of artistic talent, and I backtracked so I didn't offend him. "I didn't know you were a painter."

"Many moons ago. I haven't painted since."

"Why not?"

"Life got in the way, I suppose," he shrugged, stepping closer again. "I'm sorry again about last night. We never should have done that to you. You must understand we aren't used to having humans around here."

"Don't worry about it. I'm over it already," I turned away from the painting to meet his eyes. "What's up for today?"

"That's just what I wanted to speak to you about," he said, turning back the way he came and gesturing for me to follow.

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