Chapter Four

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It was dark when I woke, but the fire was still well stoked. The glowing light flickered on the high ceilings, creating a warm, cozy atmosphere in the bedroom. I rolled over in bed, resting my cheek on the pillow as I sighed. I hadn't slept so well in months, and I felt refreshed and ready to tackle whatever Albert had planned for us next.

There was a soft knock on the door, and I straightened myself up in bed before calling out, "come in."

A lady with flowing blonde hair and a beautiful, youthful face entered the room, carrying a tray full of tea, biscuits, strawberries and cream. She set it down on the vanity near the door before turning towards me.

"Hello. I'm Lucinda," she smiled brightly, her eyes like stars in the dim light of the bedroom. "I assume Albert told you about me?"

"Yes, yes he did," I lied, rearranging my nightgown self-consciously. This must be Albert's wife, I thought with a pang as I noticed a massive amethyst jewel sparkling on her ring finger. Of course he had a wife. How could I have been so naive? I was like a child that needed protecting to him, not a love interest. My stomach churned with embarrassment as I realized how foolish I had been. But why hadn't Albert told me about Lucinda? "It's so nice to meet you finally."

"You as well. I brought you some refreshments. You must be exhausted, I heard about what happened in the forest. I'm sorry Albert didn't warn you," she said, her expression warm and kind.

"I'm alright," I said, smiling weakly. "Thanks for the biscuits."

"You're very welcome. Please let me know if you need anything else at all," Lucinda said before breezing out of the room like a wisp.

I munched on the biscuits for a while more before I started feeling heavy and weighed down by all the bread. The visions of Lucinda's waif-like faerie body dancing through my head didn't make things any better, either.

Still groggy with sleep, I sauntered over to the armchair by the fire and sat down to gather my thoughts. I wondered if Lucinda minded that her husband was always off saving the world in some foreign dimension and time period, or the fact that he had brought some strange human girl home with him. It felt wrong to be sleeping in their rooms and eating their food, as if I was intruding somehow. Suddenly, I missed home more than ever before, and a tear slid down my cheek as I thought of my Dad, probably worried sick by now. Albert said he would bring me back to the time he first found me when this was all over, but wouldn't Dad still be suffering in the meantime?

I wiped the tear away with my sleeve quickly as I heard a knock on the door. Albert entered, and I exhaled, realizing it wasn't Lucinda.

"Hi," I said, a shy smile on my lips. The fire had warmed my skin, bringing the blood to the surface of my cheeks and lips.

"Hello, November. Are you feeling better?"

"Yes," I lied once again. I felt more tears rise up my throat as I met his blue eyes, and I swallowed hard to choke them back.

"I apologize again about earlier. I really should have warned you. Things have been... Strange here in Terrafata."

"You can say that again," I chortled as I remembered the telepathic tree I had spoken to earlier.

"We'll be having dinner in a couple of hours. Would you care to join us?" Albert asked. The orange light of the fire bounced off his glasses, illuminating the side of his face.

"Do you mind?" I asked, suddenly sheepish.

"Why would I mind? I did kidnap you, so it's only fair that I feed you while you're here," he laughed, standing up to face the fire and holding his hands out to warm them. "What would you like to wear?"

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