100 lbs for carrot 🥕

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So today I played SSBU with one of my friends. I was trying to figure out who to main since Zelda wasn't working out for me no more. They suggested for me to main Snake since I have a lot of potential for him but Joker is a good chatacter for me to fall back one. I play Joker a lot like a Zelda main would to be honest.
At PT I happened to be really strong especially for a monday. Like I was about to push the prowler with 100 pounds of weight added to it when I can normally only do 75. Idk how much I weigh exactly to be honest. I was also finally able to bend my knee 90°+ for the first time in months which was amazing. My gpa allowed me to get carrot cake because of it.

- 4/29/2024

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