Evacuate for the Tornado!? Huh!?

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Today at the begining of 8th period, which is advanced creative writing class, there was a tornado warning but luckly the classroom I was in was one of the shelter rooms. A random math class came into our room and they were supposed to be takeing a test, but only one of them took it though. Our advanced creative writing teacher let us watch Big Hero 6 during the warning. About 35 minutes later the principal had the shelter be over, and no joke 30 seconds later he called it to start again. The funny thing was was that he kept on calling it an evacuation drill even though it was shelter instead of evacuation and also it wasn't a drill. He made that mistake more than once too. We weren't allowed to leave the building until 15 minutes after school should've ended. I still had to go to PT and surprisingly I still made it there on time.

- 4/26/2024

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