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     You pull over as you saw someone standing on the side of the road with his thumb's up. Seems like he needs a hitch, and of course, you—as a good person—about to give him a ride. As you stopped in front of him, you rolled down the window of your car. "Hey, where you going?" You ask, giving him a warm and friendly smile. He also smiling, seemed to be happy as you approached him.

     "Just down the road to the Motel, Ma'am." His smile grew wider, as you nodded your head a little. You looked on the road in front of you for a sec, before turned back your attention to him. "So?" He waiting for you, without removing the cute smile on his face. You then glanced on the back of your van, before nodding your head a little.

     "I hope you're okay with the snake I have back there," you said, pointing towards a cage of your pet with your thumb. "Snake?" He peeked, with a wide smile appear on his face. He quickly opened the passenger door and jumped into your car, eyeing the cages. "Seems like you really like snake, Ma'am. What's the name?" You glanced at him, before turning on your car engine with a soft smile on your beautiful face. You started to drive after that, and letting him to play with the snake on your car.

     "She's Emma, but the other one- well, I just found him on the road. He almost got hit by a bus though." You sighed, remembering how cruel the bus driver was. "I was honestly about to let him go to the woods after gave him some snack I've got- but I think he refused to go, and keep clung onto my arm." You shrugged, glancing at him who seems to be interested with your snake on the back of your van. He also noticed you've got your car modified- allowing you to have a bed on it and something like small kitchen. "Oh, seems like you lived here by yourself and the Snakes, Ma'am?" He looked at you, almost like a little child that just found something cool for the first time in his life. You found it cute, and you couldn't help yourself but bitting on your inner cheeks- to hold yourself from making an odd squeaking noises. You just give him a small smile instead, as you keep focusing yourself on driving.

     "By the way, I'm Walker. What's yours, Ma'am?" You glanced over him, catching the sight of him playing with the snakes—just like a child. "I'm (Y/n), it's nice to meet you, Cowboy." You chuckled; before it stopped because you feel a cold metal pressed on your temple. You hold back your breath, as you looking at him from the corner of your eyes.

     "Well, (Y/n), can you pull over, hmm?" He giving you an amused smirk, as he pressed the gun on his hand even harder- which makes your heart beating faster. Your eyes were back on the road, only to find trees all over your eyes.

     You have no choice but does as whatever he told you to do, and pulled over. He smiles at you, satisfied with your obligation. "Now, get out the car." He said, making you wondered if he wants to jacked your car. You gulped, but does as he told and get away from your car. He followed suits after, still having the muzzle towards your head. He walked closer to you afterwards, now putting back the gun on your temple.

     He looked at you deep in your eyes, as he wrapped his arm firmly on your waist- pulled you even closer to him whilst he now standing behind you. "So obliged, ain't you?" He chuckled, after whispered on your ear. You squeezed your eyes shut, before pulled a stunt gun from the pocket of your coat, and pressed it on his neck with your left hand. His body jolted, before he falling on the ground with a loud thud. He passed out, and now you sighed deeply, not believing he just betraying your trust.

     You got betrayed by someone as cute as him? That's a funny start, isn't?

     "I can't let you out here, you might've tried to find and kills me later or finds another person to kills." His eyes were closed, caused you to groaned loudly because you (perhaps) have to drag him back inside your car and maybe use your handcuffs to him on your bed. You never killed someone, so it's not—and never be—a choice for you. Maybe you can keep him for a while, untill you find a police station? It'll be a good idea, right?

Can't Decide [Walker/Reader] ✓Where stories live. Discover now