Chapter 10 - Discovery

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Jacktrap waked up a bit disoriented, he looked everywhere and watch some boxes with a Davetrap looking at him wide eyed, it still didn't understand why until a silhouette opened the door.

He knew it failed.

His breath became faster and he tried to move quietly in vain, its legs felt heavy, and this gave a few chuckles of the one in magenta, he thought he was tied but it seemed that the other was always to steps ahead.

"I love to see that face in my prays, don't worry, I haven't tie you because I didn't see it necessary, besides, I adore to see all of you twitch of pain and try to save yourself of a destiny you all can't escape" He seemed to know what he was doing and he wasn't going to get in the way since he knew it was useless.

But the bunny didn't think the same.

He didn't have it as difficult as the other since he could get up and hold it, the magenta turned around and got mad. "So naive as always Willy"

The other ran towards the only exit taking the chance the other left it free to get a button on a box, the bunny opened the door and felt a sharp pain in his leg.

He let out a moan of pain, but Davetrap was knew for his determination and got Legacy out of the room, the bear got up how he could and saw the other one on the floor.

"C'mon Sportsy... Let's get out o' here!" He extended his hand to the other who only watched him with a skeptical face and later chuckle uncontrollably "Oh please William, I won't save you of what you deserve"

He felt how his inexistent heart break in one hundred pieces, why would he do this? He just needed to help him get up.

"Dumb gets short to describe you" He smiled one last time grabbing the doorknob getting ready to close the door on his face. "I hope you have fun in hell"

And with this Legacy's face disappeared, lefting the bunny destroyed inside and outside.

Henry had the control-shock in hand, but knew it wasn't necessary. He would have a little talk with the other later, besides, psychology torture is better than the physical one.

Less work more efficient like others say.

"It's a shame it left you" Said the other without interest, seeing Davetrap's expression almost make him smirk. "You know this is the best, right? I just want the best for you." He tried to manipulate him, and he was going to believe it for a second, but Henry didn't count Davetrap's stubbornness.

A single movement gave him an answer: he scoffed.

He scoffed like it was an irony, and this didn't make Henry happy. "Very well, if you want it like that, then so be it" The bunny didn't understood what he was saying at first until he got out those two things he feared the most.

A remote control and a single wrench.

He looked at them with terror meanwhile the magenta looked at him indifferent, like those two things didn't mean something to him. But for the bunny it was a dead sentence.

"Let's see if you can last like the other time" He pressed the button and a scream of pain was heard, for the first time he cursed that the Saferoom's walls were soundproof.

Or maybe not, it would be useless, nobody could help him. Even like this, he had hope his orange in springlock suit would save him.

So naive.

"Let the game start"


Jack was startled when he heard his mate scream from the kitchen, he hurried up and saw Dave on the floor crying a little. He didn't asked if he was ok, it was obvious he wasn't.

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