6. Dhvani's pov

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I woke up hearing the calm and melodious chirping voice of birds and rubbed my eyes to adjust sunlight

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I woke up hearing the calm and melodious chirping voice of birds and rubbed my eyes to adjust sunlight..

Yesterday, Whatever I said, I..I am regretting or maybe not , But sometimes it's good to say whatever is in your heart and after revealing about Arjun , I am feeling better..Like as if someone had removed a big burden from my head and made me feel lighter.

Today I will convince Arjun to come here at any cost...

Shit. In this all I forgot to inform Siya that now everyone knows about my love.
Even knowing how dramatic she is ,I can't take a risk of not informing her..

I dialled her number and after 3 rings she picked up the call..
Her voice was hoarse and she was huffing , taking deep breaths..
I sighed knowing very well what she is doing..

"Where are you?" I asked well I know the answer already but still..
"In the gym babe , where else could I be"
she said and now her voice was a little normal.
This girl, she is such a gym freak brat . Like seriously She wakes up at 6 in the morning, goes to madam's gym and then eats a lot of food in the college..

"In which dreams are you lost? Tell me, what's the news that you called in the morning to give me?"
Hearing her voice I came back from my thinking session..
I took a deep breath to gain some courage and spoke
"Vo , I..I I told Baba about Arjun"


A complete silence from both the sides and after like a minute I heard her loud voice.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DHVANI??...Did he hurt you or yelled at you trust me if he laid a finger on I will go to the police for sure"
I rolled my eyes and sighed at her drama...
Well , internally I was happy that I have a caring best friend in my life who is ready to cross every limit for me.

"Nothing like this happened, in fact Baba has agreed to meet Arjun."
I said and a smile crept on my face, It feels like all the dreams I saw regarding my marriage are going to be fullfilled..
I can't believe Arjun is going to meet baba , and I am damn sure he is going to impress him..

"I am very happy to see that you are happy, Dhvani, but think once again, does Arjun really deserve you?"
As siya's words echoed in my ears , the wide smile disappeared from my face and converted into a frown
Siya says this to me all the time , she thinks that Arjun doesn't love me but I know
he does.
At the start of our relationship he treated me like a queen but as time passed he got busy with his brother in business, so he wasn't able to give me time and siya concluded that he doesn't love me..

"Siya you always misunderstood him , please yaar he isn't that bad" I said and she sighed from the other side..

After that we disconnected the call as we have to go to college...
I got ready in a short kurti and black jeans , I adorned my face with minimal makeup which includes only lip balm and kajal , after adding a small black bindi I took a mirror selfie as I just love to click pictures after getting ready even for college..

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